Chapter Two

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"Good afternoon, please let me know if you need any help." The cashier said with bright smile, which never dwindled in the slightest.

If you were honest, his kindness was a bit offsetting.

You didn't care to nod back, you were much too busy looking for a pet you could give some of your love to.

Well, technically, all of your love. Not that you had much to begin with.

You walked over to the reptiles, barely able to see them in the darkness that hampered the inside of their cages. You didn't give them much thought, either way.

You didn't like thought of waking up to a snake around your throat, constricting you of all oxygen.

It was quite unpleasant to think about.

You immediately passed up the puppies due to your earlier thoughts. You established that they'd require much attention that you most likely couldn't supply them with.

You quickly glossed over the kittens, also. The amount of compassion for them is something you couldn't give. They can also be little brats and reject your advances to cuddle.

You continued over to the rodents, taking a quick look around. Mice squirm, Guinea pigs would bite, and rats are straight up covered in filth.

You began to lose hope, feeling like you were wandering around for what felt like an eternity. Maybe a pet wasn't the best choice.

You sigh out of defeat and shove your hands in your pockets. There's nothing much you could do, at this point.

You walked to the front door, triggering the sensory detector of it, resulting in the door to slowly open.

You stood in front of it, not exiting. You could've sworn you felt something in your gut told you to search further. That there was something there.

You groaned, twirling around on one foot and re-entering the shop. The clerk gave you a confused look, but you ignored him. He was the last thing on your mind.

The sign that hung directly above your head read 'Small Mammals'

You smiled to yourself as this was just what you were looking for. Animals that are large enough for you to sleep with, but not too big.

Now all I need is to find a quiet one, and bingo! I'm all set.

It shouldn't be too hard, right? After all, it did say small mammals. That's a pretty broad category. There should be a variety to choose from.

Just as you had guessed, there were plenty of pets to choose from, but one in particular caught your eye.

The bunnies.

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