Chapter Ten

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"I never took you for being kinky, yet here you are, with bunny ears." The one and only Yoongi shrugged, seemingly calmer now. "Personally, I prefer cat ears, but hey. To each their own."

"Oh, Jungkook. That is Yoongi. Yoongi, this is Jungkook." You introduce them to one another, but neither of them really seemed to click. Jungkook's grip on you just tightened while Yoongi's eyes narrowed in suspicion.

"Wasn't Jungkook the name of your bunny..?" He questioned, still cautiously glowering at the two of you. "What kind of fuckery is this? You named your bunny after this dude and gave him a matching bunny headband?"

Yoongi leaned forward a little, inspecting the ebony ears atop Jungkook's head. After a bit of tugging and pulling, he realized the ears were, indeed, attached to his scalp.

"Huh, I wonder how that works." He placed his hand on his hips, clearly deep in thought. "If those articles were correct, you're some kind of a mix between bunny and human."

Then, your mind snapped back to what you and Yoongi had discussed at his apartment room. This was either a very elaborate prank or it was all, somehow, adding up.

Might as well hope it's the second one. Yoongi isn't that good at acting anyway, he would've given in by now.

You quickly hopped up, your determination breaking the force of Jungkook's clutch on you.

"Anywho, why'd you call me again?" He asked calmly, checking his watch like this was something he had experienced before. "Something where the boy was shocked about something about humans, eh... Run that past me again?"

His casualty with this was very admirable, you weren't going to lie. That's the one and only quality of his you wish you could obtain.

"About heats," Jungkook answered for you, now leaning against the cushioning of the couch with his arms behind his head. His muscles were able to easily draw anyone in, including you. "I'm still slightly weirded out about humans not getting any. I mean, I envy you guys for that, but still."

Yoongi widened his eyes, then resembling dinner plates. Well, that was until he started dying of laughter.

"Oh my god, you're screwed." He told you in a breathy voice from the laughing fit, wiping tears from his eyes. "A girl bunny in heat would be like you, the whole bleeding thing but extreme. That means guy bunnies would be like us, just more... Y'know, intense. Didn't you read about that?"

Your eyebrows were furrowed in confusion. You didn't catch what he was hinting at, so you made a gesture for him to continue.

"You really didn't fail health for no fucking reason." He sighed, rubbing his temple to soothe his urge of shoving a blade of his sarcasm into your stomach. "Male puberty? I didn't want to have to explain this to you, yet here we are."

"Shut up!" You planted your hand over his mouth before he could rattle something you didn't want to hear off. "I remember now. What do you guys do to suppress whatever goes on down there?"

"That's for us to know and you to figure out, darling." He teased, leaning against the wall in a similar position to Jungkook.

Yoongi had seemed to get used to the idea of you having a large male with bunny ears living with you, but Jungkook still disliked him. He was slowly warming up, but nowhere near completely trusting.

"Does he have an identity? Like, a full name or date of birth?" Yoongi polled, his facial expression starting to stiffen. You could tell when he was being serious and when not, and right now, he was.

"I'm afraid we don't." You said with a tone of disappointment wrapped in your voice. It's such a shame you wouldn't be able to know his real last name. "Any ideas for the last name?"

His finger brushed the skin of his chin in thought. "Jungkook, is it? How about Jeon. Jeon Jungkook."

The bunny boy's ears shot up at the mentioning of his name, a smile soon appearing on his face at the fact he just got informed he now has an unofficial last name.

He grew slightly more fond of this 'Yoongi' character.

"Yeah, Jeon Jungkook. I like it." You smiled, satisfied Yoongi could put his brain to use for once. "Do you have any input, buddy? We can think of other names if you'd like."

Jungkook cheerily shook his head, saying, "Nope! I really like it."

As Yoongi's stern face broke into a smile, you could tell the barrier between them was slowly crumbling. They were bonding much faster than the three of you expected, to be honest. Not that you were complaining.

"In conclusion, I think you should give him over-the-counter medicines to suppress his temptations. I'm out of here. Bye, Jungkook." He waved the two of you goodbye and walked out of the door.

You sighed out of frustration. Why couldn't Jungkook stay a cute little bunny? His human form was nice, too, you weren't complaining, but it's a lot of work. Bunnies were high-maintenance, to begin with, let alone a full grown dude.

"Don't worry, Kookie. We'll figure something out."

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