Chapter Twelve

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Your PoV

After that strange encounter with the two boys, there was nothing else that was odd to come across. The rest of your day was spent with the two boys after Yoongi refused to take the short walk up back to the room, claiming he was far too tired.

At the moment, you and Yoongi were battling to come in first place in Mario Kart. As of right now, you were in first place whilst Yoongi was racing past the other players to take your spot.

"You little shit!" You yelled as Yoongi cast a red shell your way, resulting in your loss as you were close to the end of the final lap.

"Oh, yeah!" He jumped up, praising himself for his victory. "I'm so good."

Jungkook was watching the two of you play the game with much interest. His little tail fluff could be faintly heard as it waved back and forth under his oversized shirt with excitement. The laughter that emitted from the two of you got him giddy to play this game.

As if on queue, you asked, "Hey, Kook. Do you want to play with Yoongi? He'll take it easy on you."

Yoongi looked away and huffed in annoyance, wanting to prove to everyone he could have them whipped if they challenged him to a round of Mario Kart.

"Yeah." He answered almost immediately, trading his spot for yours. Now he and Yoongi were in the front as you sat on the floor.

In under ten minutes, their bout had finished with Jungkook as the winner. Instead of flexing his win on everyone in the room, he shone a joyful smile on them.

"Oh, wow. Look, you won." Yoongi said with false surprise and jazz hands. The bunny didn't quite catch onto his clear sarcasm, so his smile just widened.

"Y/N, look! I won!" He told you proudly, pointing to his character that was placed at the top of the screen. His amount of happiness brought a smile to your face.

"I see that, Kook." You acknowledged his win against Yoongi. His joy was feeling right now was ineffable to describe; no matter how hard he'd try, he couldn't express his contentment.

He happily flopped backward and onto the couch, eyes comically scrunched as he braced for impact.

"Ah, I think it's 6:30. Y/N, could you check the time?" Yoongi implored, as his phone was on the charger in another room. Nodding, you did verify that his hunch was correct.

Saying such, he set down his remote to the console he'd just played on. Jungkook perked his head up to get a final glimpse at the mint-headed boy before he chose to head off.

Yoongi jut his chin toward Jungkook as a way of bidding goodbye. "It turns out I do have to go home. I'll see you two soon." The bunny boy cheekily grinned and waved at the departing man.

After the door to your apartment closed, allowing Yoongi to go home, Jungkook instantly said, "Uhm, could we do something else now..?"

You mentally rolled your eyes at his enthusiasm, but you couldn't really blame him. You were quite sure he hadn't gotten to see much being cooped up in a cage his entire life.

You shot his a smile, responding with, "Sure! What would you like to do?"

He reciprocated your smile. "Can we get that, uh... It was, like, cold and sweet. I saw you eat it the other night, it was white."

It took a moment for it to click, but you figured it out just soon enough.

"Ah, ice cream?" You questioned. It made you kind of sad he's never had the little things in life. You've forgotten how good you have it.

"Yeah!" He clapped his hands together cheerily. His long ears were perked up with joy until he said, "Actually, I don't remember. Ice cream sounds good, though!"

His amusement at every little thing he came across was so contagious. You couldn't help but smile when he cooed at the little children that walked past. If it weren't for the beanie covering his ears at the moment, you were sure they'd be sticking straight up.

"Where are we going, Y/N?" He asked as he skipped along the pavement, all while holding your hand. His pace was a bit fast, but you could manage.

"The ice cream shop, duh." You teased, adding a hearty laugh onto the end of your sentence.

His innocent eyes widened in utter surprise as he finished listening to you speak. "They have stores for this stuff? Man, what don't you guys have out here?"

It saddened you to know he wasn't able to enjoy the simple things in life. Well, the least you could do for him was to show him the small things to look forward to. Like multi-colored bandaids or the quiet chirping of the morning sparrows.

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