Chapter Thirteen

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As of right now, you guys were gazing through the glass display of the seemingly endless ice cream flavors.

Jungkook's jaw fell slack as he pressed his hands against the glass. He was absolutely amazed at the colors that were there. Brown, pink, even one with all of the colors.

"Y/N, Y/N!" He chanted, looking in your direction. You tilted your head and walked over to the boy who had his index finger pointed directly at an ice cream. An exotic green-ish white one, to be exact.

"Ah. Are you sure that's the one you want?" You asked, him responding with an ecstatic head shake. Smiling, you walked over to the cashier and ordered your ice creams. "One medium pistachio and one medium vanilla, thank you."

The cashier nodded, sending you back over to Jungkook, who was still examining the varieties of the sweet goodness known as ice cream.

"C'mon, Kook. Our ice cream will be done soon." You curled your fingers around his wrist, pulling him into the booth by the window.

"Why do we have to wait?" He pouted but sat down, nonetheless. His childish behavior was adorable, you couldn't deny it.

"It takes a moment to put together. It's high quality, after all." You shrugged, looking to the side at the wandering folks in the store. The white noise in the background being the quiet lofi hip hop and the clacking of people's shoes against the tile, along with the quiet chatter of the others.

He sighed, slowly sinking into his seat. He had a bright idea to hide under the table and away from you, so he wasn't in your line of vision.

Once you directed your gaze back to your table, you noticed the presence of a certain ebony-haired boy. Although his entire body wasn't in front of you, you saw two long, black fluffs poking out from under the table.

"Oh, dear. I wonder where Jungkook is." You said with false confusion, pushing yourself out of your chair. "I think I should go ask around to see if anyone's seen him."

Just as you finished up your statement, the boy sprung up from underneath the booth.

"Y/N, I'm right here!" He cheered, throwing his hands up in the air. "I fooled you, I was under the table!"

You chuckled, agreeing with him and taking your place in your seat, once more. Just as you did so, two bowls of ice creams were placed in front of the both of you.

"Oh, thanks!" You smiled at the waitress who returned it. As her presence was still apparent, you happened to not notice Jungkook scrunch his nose up in distaste.

Soon, she turned away on her heel, walking off to help another customer.

"I don't like her smell." Jungkook stayed bluntly, shaking his head back and forth in disapproval whilst trying to lodge her scent out of his nose. "She smelled bitter, I don't like it."

You quirked an eyebrow at his observations, but shrugged it off, beginning to eat anyhow. Noticing your little amount of concern for the situation, Jungkook did the same, knowing it most likely wasn't important.

He cautiously wafted his ice cream in the direction of his nose, hoping to pick up any suspicious smells. To his satisfaction, he didn't. Just like that, he dug in.

He was in awe at how something like this could exist. Even though the dessert was cold, it made him feel a warm sensation on the inside. Like the feeling of home.

Like the feeling of you.

His curious eyes followed your face, seeing how you reacted to this ecstasy-packed sweet. You seemed very nonchalant about it all, and Jungkook couldn't comprehend how.

It wasn't too long before his entire bowl was empty, only leaving behind a few speckles of small, leftover pieces.

"Dang, that was quick." You commented, only half-finished. If you were honest, you weren't too hungry. You just wanted to get some for Jungkook, that's all.

His round eyes widened in realization as he said, "Oh, no. Was I supposed to save some for you?"

"Nope!" You grinned, throwing the remainder of your ice cream away. "C'mon, let's go home. Thankfully, the apartment isn't far from here."

You held open the door to the small ice cream shop, allowing Jungkook to go before you. As you did so, a little bell at the top of the door quietly rung.

The moment the both of you stepped outside, you felt two arms circle around you. Before you knew it, you were firmly wrapped in someone's comforting embrace.

"Thank you, Y/N." Jungkook whispered, his voice sounding small and fragile as he silently sobbed into your shoulder. "You mean the world to me. Thank you."

Jungkook's PoV

That's when I realized; When it clicked.

Her arrival changed my life. These short, few days I've been with her felt like years, like it's déjà vu. Bit by bit, I've drowned in thoughts of her.

I think I love you, Y/N L/N.

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