Chapter Nine

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"Y/N! Something's wrong with the metal thingy! I think it's on fire!"

Your senses were now in high definition, the adrenaline in your body courses through your veins as you fled down the flight of stairs.

Shortly afterward, you discovered that this 'metal thingy' Jungkook was referring to was the stove. The tiny, blue flames connected into the shape of a square that surrounded the oven top.

"Jungkook, it isn't on fire. It's supposed to be like that." You explained, your words spoke in a croaky voice due to you just ending your long break a few minutes ago.

"It isn't on fire?" He reiterated, crouching down so his eyes were at level with the flames. He was still slightly wary of them, so his long ears were pressed against the back of his head. "Well, they're blue, so does that mean they're cold?"

Before you could discontinue his actions, he raised his hand above the fluttering blue flame, just barely pressing down on it with the tip of his middle finger.

He instantaneously jerked his hand back and stuck the injured finger in his mouth, whispering a series of profanities under his breath.

"Why would you touch it?" You cried out, looking for the necessities to tend to a first-degree burn.

"It was blue! Blue means cold!" He defended himself in a muffled voice, as expected with a finger in his mouth. "Here I was, just getting used to thinking humans were normal."

"Blue usually does mean cold, but blue colors have high frequencies. The higher, the hotter. Like that fire or a star." You explained, grabbing his untouched hand and yanking him over to the edge of the sink. "Here, can I hold your hand?"

He obeyed, sticking his injured hand out for you to touch. You were aware of the pain and didn't want to further stress it, so you avoided touching it as much as possible.

You turned the handle of your sink on, the water flowing out of the spout. You relaxed his hand under the cold, running water, doing as you remember for healing a burn. You took a sterile band-aid and delicately wrapped it around his injury.

Little did you realize, he was watching you with much interest throughout the entire process. His pain? Out of the window. He was solely focused on how you genuinely cared to treat him. You were different. Kind.

"There you go!" You said with much pride, placing your hands on your hips. "If it falls off, let me know and I can get you another band-aid."

He shone you a bright smile, maybe the biggest and boldest you've seen by far. It was adorable, to say the least. You could tell why he was bunny-breed, now.

As if the noise was on queue to break the silence, Jungkook's stomach made a harsh growl. He curiously looked down and poked the flesh of his tummy.

"How do I fix this?" He inquired, not breaking eye-contact with it. You smiled and opened the fridge in search of some food.

"How do you know how to talk, yet not know simple things like hunger?" You questioned, leaning on the door of the open fridge.

He thought for a moment, trying to recall the events in his life before casually answering, "There were frequent customers coming in the store a few years back, so you'd pick up a thing or two. I would answer how I don't know what hunger is, but I don't know what hunger is, ahaha..."

"Ah, well," You began, pulling out a large bag of carrots. The crinkling of the plastic shot his ears straight up. "The remedy to that is food. Eat up."

Before you were able to reach the bag out to him as an offer, they were taken from your grasp. He vigorously ripped the bag open and started munching down on those orange sticks of potassium.

He jaw moved in circular motions, as it would when he was still a tiny rabbit. It was a cute sight, of course.

"The more I think about it," He began, pulling out a second carrot, having eaten the first in record-timing. "The weirder humans are. At this point, I wouldn't be surprised if you guys don't even go into heat."

You nearly coughed the hot cocoa you'd just sipped out, but you managed to keep it in before yelling, "What?"

Jungkook was aghast, his hand on his chest as he said, "You guys really don't go into heats, huh?"

"Oh, shit. I gotta call Yoongi." You panicked, dashing over to the wall and ripping your phone out of the outlet it was charging on. "He has to pick up or I'm doomed."

"Who's Yoongi?" He eyed you suspiciously. He didn't like the name of another man rolling off of your tongue. "Is he your mate..?"

"What the hell, why would I have a mat- Oh hey Yoongi." You smiled awkwardly, relieved he couldn't see you, at the very least.

"Seoul Crematorium, you kill 'em, we grill 'em. This is Yoongi speaking, how may I help you?"

You took a deep breath before letting everything flow out of your mouth like a river.

"Would you believe me if I said Jungkook turned into a human and that's the reason I borrowed your clothes earlier and now he and I were just talking and he was saying how weird humans were and how he wouldn't be shocked if we didn't get heats does that mean he gets heats and what happens?"

Your breath hitches as you heard a stifled laugh at the other end of the line.

"Y/N, you're funny." He teased, you could practically hear the mockery laced in his words.

You let out a timid breath. He wouldn't believe you. Why would he? He's Yoongi, he needs to maintain his swag.

"My room. Five minutes or less." You demanded and hung up the phone. You didn't want to do so, but did you really have another choice?

You felt a weight placed on your shoulder and, considering Jungkook was the only other in your apartment, you looked back to check up on him.

"What's wrong, Kookie?" You asked, ruffling his ears. If he was honest, he really loved your pets. Hoseok's did the job, but he preferred yours over anybodys.

He didn't answer and enveloped you into his embrace, pulling you closer to his body.

"What or who the fuck is that?!"

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