Chapter Six

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You woke up to the shifting of Jungkook, his fur rubbing against you. You smiled at the sight of your black-haired buddy, lifting him from your bed.

Your lovely wake up session was so rudely interrupted by, the one and only, Yoongles.

"420, watcha smoking?" You greeted him, simultaneously ruffling the head of your furry friend.

"I did some research on this animal shit hole we were discussing the other day," He stated, his typing coherent in the background. "This little store was called [Insert name], right?"


"Right. Okay, from what I've looked into, this little store has been claimed for selling some shady shit. It's never been officially shit down, as there were never sure-fire claims. That's not what this is about, though. I found something even cooler."

"Take a hike, Yoongi. Hybrids don't exist!" You exclaimed, pinching the bridge of your nose with aggravation.

"You might think they don't, but what I found is pretty astounding." He sighed, his keyboard was now dead silent. "If he magically turns human, don't come crying to me."

Ah, man. He hung up.

You couldn't help but feel the weight in your stomach increase. He always had these hunches, and somehow, they were usually correct, As much as you hated to admit it.

"At least he didn't straight up say something was going to happen." You gave yourself reassurance, shoving Jungkook under your arm. You laughed, saying, "I'm sure if you were human, you'd be a handsome one, huh?"

He made a happy squeaking noise, nose twitching. It sounded almost like squeezing a whoopee cushion that's had the life deflated from it.

"You make funny noises, you know?" You looked at him, who was still on your bed whilst you were already up.

He angrily thumped his foot and jumped off of the bed, sprinting headfirst into your closed door, probably thinking it was open.

"How graceful." You teased, picking up the, now, injured bunny. Well, not injured. More or less a bit exasperated. "Sorry, I didn't mean to make you upset. You can go play alone the entire day, at last! I have school."

You gently placed your bunny with all of his toys, a full water bottle, and plenty of food. He whined at the sudden loss of contact, but you were forced to dismiss his calls or you'd be late.

You hurriedly grabbed some clothes and your bookbag, which were leggings and a loose hoodie because comfort overrides style by a landslide, and headed on out of the door to what everyone recognized as, let's say it all together; Hell! Tehe, wasn't that fun?


"Hey, Yoongi." You greeted your friend as you walked into his apartment. Luckily, it had been in the same complex as you, so you could walk up as you pleased with minimal effort.

Anyway, for some reason, he had called you to go to his home instead of your own. You kind of worried about Jungkook, if you were honest.

"Shut up and come here." He ordered, patting the seat beside him. You threw your book bag onto the floor, sitting next to him.

His eyebrows were knitted together in thought as he mindlessly scrolled through an article on his phone.

"Look, Y/N." He shoved his phone into your hands, signaling you to look at what he'd pulled up onto the screen.

A brand new discovery in the Animalia world.

Dr. Song Kyung, a local vet from Jeonju, uncovered something groundbreaking whilst attempting to find a more effective antidote for the disease Baylisascaris.

He experimented by giving a series of animals, them being dogs, cats, rabbits, and sheep, a dose of human blood. Every animal he injected this blood into became extremely lethargic almost immediately afterward.

Dr. Song incubated all of the animals, watching them overnight, only to be astounded with humans in their places the next morning.

He created this miracle, known as hybrids, and is successfully further developing the DNA of the hybrids.

"Holy shit, is this real?" You questioned in a hushed tone, still being deep in thought. You handed his phone back.

"Yeah, man. New York Times. Authentic." He pointed the search bar, which clearly stated what he'd said. "It was also made in 2018, so that was two years ago. That means they're essentially out in the world, existing."

"I can't believe I'm saying this, but pull up another article. I want to see more on their human sides." You demanded, furiously tapping his shoulder as a sign to hurry up.

He smiled widely, doing as instructed. Before you knew it, just what you were looking for had been pulled up.

Blah blah blah... Oh!

The animal side of hybrids has an effect on them when they turn human.

For example, depending on their species, they have matching ears and tails. A dog would have puppy ears and a puppy tail.

They also experience what they would as animals, but in humane situations. It may not make sense, but Dr. Song said it was 'What humans have, but with animal aspects sprinkled in here and there.'

"Ah, I didn't catch that. It doesn't really make much sense." You frowned, Yoongi slinking his arm back, as you've both finished reading the passage.

"What? It must be more interesting than you think." He reasoned, shutting his phone off and tossing it onto the carpet. "What about your periods or whatever? Imagine a cat on its period. That'd be literal hell on Earth. Double the ignorance."

You shrugged, grabbing your bookbag, and began your way out of his apartment. "I'm heading out, talk to you later."

He waved, yet not bothering to look your way. You just laughed at how much he and his child self have in common.

You took a quick elevator ride down to your floor. Once you arrived, you wiped your feet off onto the rug and entered.

"Hey buddy, sorry I haven't seen you besides in the morning." You apologized to your furry friend, who was cradled in hutch.

His enthusiasm, which was very low, to begin with, shot through the roof just at the sound of your voice. He immediately hopped out of his little home and into the pen, trying to gain your attention by loudly purring.

He was successful, as always, so you placed him on your lap and catered him with some of his favorite treats.

You laid down with Jungkook lying swaddled into the crook of your neck, breathing softly. His light snores being the only thing breaking the deafening silence. You allowed yourself to drift into sleep.

Here, in the dream world, we are children again. We dream of the past, those little moments that we can never experience again. That's the only reason many find pleasure in the dream realm. We can defy reality as we choose.

As you sunk deeper out of sensibility, you weren't able to feel the sudden dip of the couch or the change of weight behind you.

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