Chapter Five

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You rubbed your eyes, realizing it had reached morning. Thankfully, Jungkook was still sleeping peacefully beside you. His soft snores and the chirping morning birds fit together in perfect harmony.

"Hey Kookie." You softly rubbed his ear, in hopes of waking him up without having to be loud or pick him up. "Love, it's morning. Please wake up."

His eyes slowly fluttered open. He wasn't facing you directly, so he quickly shot up in the realization that he was somewhere unfamiliar. Once he turned around to see you, his once stiffened ears dropped in relief.

He trotted over to you, nuzzling his side into the crook of your neck. You felt little licks of compassion, but they were barely noticeable.

"No, we have to get up." You smiled at the sight of your lovely pet still curled up in his ball. You picked him up and rushed over to his pen, where you were able to place him whilst you cooked breakfast.

"No school today, so might as well treat myself to home made pancakes." You cheered, grabbing the mix from the cabinets. Your smile dwindled once you turned the box around. "Instructions. My single weakness in life. Looks like I'm having cereal."

You poured your bowl of cereal, not caring about what you ate in the morning. Skinny or fat, you don't give a damn as long as you enjoy your meals. You aren't eating avocado toast to maintain a tiny waist. You couldn't give a Kentucky Fried fuck.

Before you allowed yourself to munch on the miracle of which you call cereal, you fed your little boy, so he kept a healthy nutrition. You found it ironic how you cared more for a rabbit's well-being over your own.

You picked up the bowl and travelled over to the couch with a few quick steps. Placing your breakfast on the table, you pick up the remote and contemplate which show you're going to binge this morning.

As long as it kept your attention, you really did not care.

You were about to click 'The Office,' but before you could do so, a squeaky whine came from your right.

You looked over the arm of your couch to see your poor pet bunny standing on his hind legs to get your attention. Sighing, you shoved your cereal off to the side and sat in the middle of his pen.

"What did you want?" You queried, watching his stubby little legs move like lightning to be by your side. "I kinda wish you were still scared of me because now you're too attached."

Nonetheless, you gave him affectionate pecks on his head. In return, he didn't fuss or kick. He just lived his best life whilst being smothered in your love.

You pulled out your phone to check the time, and to your revulsion, it was around one pm. You slept in for way too long and, now, you have to begin weekend homework.

"Ugh, we do enough work at school. What's the point of giving us more work and stress?" You whined, standing up with Jungkook in your hands. "Maybe you can take my mind off of the tension of homework while I complete it."

Shoving your now soggy breakfast off to the side, you pulled out your laptop and got to work. Writing paragraphs on Mark Twain was the last thing you'd want to do on a Saturday, but alas, here you are.

You typed for what felt like hours, your slow internet not helping your situation whatsoever. Your eyes were half-lidded at this point, endlessly researching. Creating tab after tab was driving you nuts, but you were able to be kept from edging off of sanity because of Jungkook.

"You're my hero, little guy." You smiled, holding him over your shoulder. He lightly nibbled the skin of your neck. It wasn't at all painful, but actually ticklish. "Stay here. I'm gonna get you a treat for being such a good companion."

You set the bunny down and onto the couch cushion, trusting he wouldn't attempt to commit bunny suicide while you were gone for those few seconds.

You popped the fridge open to grab a variety of fruits. Blueberries, banana slices, etc.

This bunny is getting fed like a king lmao

You placed them in a tiny glass bowl, shallow enough for him to reach if he were to eat it without your assistance.

"I got some snacks for our favorite boy!" You chirped, holding the dish in the palm of your right hand.

Just by the mention of treats, Jungkook jumped up and down. His little hops were filled with glee and delight.

Your laptop was still wide open, your finished essay practically taunting you with all of the effort you put into it. You saved your homework, closing the lid. As it closed, you felt a wave of relief wash over you. That was until you got a glance at your phone, which lit up, the clock saying eight pm.

"Dang it, I wasted your day, didn't I?" You indirectly apologized to Kook, connecting your forehead to his. It wasn't like he had much better to do, but he could've roamed around instead of sitting on your lap for hours straight. "Maybe I can make it up to you by playing with you for a while."

You picked him up, tossing him into the air. It wasn't too high, though, because you didn't trust your athletic abilities too well.

You giggled as you watched him soar through the air. After a few throws, you figured he might get upset, so you just placed him down again.

You got up, opening the door to his pen, in case he wanted to return as he pleased. He hopped off of the couch and over to your legs but didn't enter his enclosure.

"Buddy, do you want to go in?" You asked, squatting and lightly patting his behind as an offer to move. Instead of doing so, he rolled into his back, his tummy exposed to the open.

You smiled, knowing you've significantly improved your relationship with your ex-apprehensive bunny. Now, he was a super gregarious one.

As you thought so, he curled into a ball, fitting perfectly into your neck. You giggled at his actions, as he was further proving your point.

His character development made you proud.

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