7. We Could Run

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 The engagement ceremony was not something that I had been looking forward to in the least

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The engagement ceremony was not something that I had been looking forward to in the least. It had been two entire weeks of only catching a glimpse here and there of Pere. She was almost always with King Raven these days. He kept her by his side nearly all of this time. It was smart really, considering the fact that any time they departed from one another I would try and seek her out.

Sneaking into her chamber was no longer an option after the king had put extra security down that entire wing of the castle. When I had tried to scale the wall, as I had done before, I noticed a plethora of winged creatures flying above scouting the castle. If I did not know better I would say King Raven knew I had been with her that morning. How he would have known that though is a mystery to me.

I had purposefully shown up late to their ceremony, wanting to miss the king's initial speech about their upcoming union. The less I heard of it the more I could pretend it was not happening. Right now, I'm walking into the mass of singing and celebrating bodies, not seeing the Sky Realm's king or future queen on their respective thrones.

I scan the room looking for them, her. I take a deep breath picking up her scent somewhere off to my left. As I go along the outside of the group I spot her dancing with King Raven. She is laughing and smiling at him, having what would seem a wonderful time.

An older couple almost dances right into them causing the king to pull Pere into his embrace. He gives her a a chuckle but when she looks up and meets his stare all I can see is red. Red because his arms tighten around her, feeling the same body that was beneath mine and begging to be claimed only two weeks prior.

I blow a deep, agitated breath from my nose feeling my nostrils flare in discontent. Almost as if she can sense me too, she looks directly at me. Her eyes widen monumentally at me and I am sure she can tell I am just barely in control of myself. I feel myself begin to shake and have to rip my eyes away from them, not being able to take another second of watching them together.

"I see you have made the party at last." Gregory hands me a mug of ale to which I have never been more thankful for. "I would tell you that Alaska has been waiting for you but I would venture to say that you are not very interested in that fact."

"No, Gregory, I am not." I take a hearty sip from the mug and then look back to where Pere is. She is saying something to the king hurriedly. I cock my head to the side trying to listen over the commotion in the room.

No, I do not need a guard. I just need a breath of fresh air. No need to worry about me. Please stay and enjoy the celebration. I look up and see him hesitantly let Pere go. The moment she exits the room I feel an immediate sense of relief. I can tell she wants me to follow her. I can tell because the king immediately looks at me.

His features are stern, tight. He does not look happy, not in the least, and I would gather to say that is because of me. The moment I go to take a step forward to follow her a strong hand grasps my shoulder. "Do not follow her. Let her go."

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