Chapter 10- The old ladies Inn (part 3)

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The boy's neck was bound with immortal binding rope, and his body seemed to emit a faint glow. The boy should be about 15-16 year of age. His slender leg was tied by another rope and his arms were missing. One had to look no further to figure out where the rancid smell came from.The boy is obviously dead, but his spirit was still in his body, unable to leave to the underworld.

As if noticing their arrival, the boy lifted up his face.

Broken. bruised. filled with mucus and bugs. Yellow puss was dripping from his seven orifices. The boy looked horrible to the point of making one vomit.

"Are you here to find the little kid?" He spoke rather hoarsely. He smiled and added. "The little baby is safe, but you both should hurry. The old women found out that you weren't in your rooms."

"Where is he?" Wei Xiao said.

The boy turned his head to meet the cold and fierce gaze of Wei Xiao. He laughed and said. "The screaming children are taking care of him." He seemed amused as he swung his body side to side. "Kill the old women and the screaming children will give you the boy."

"Who are the screaming children?" Qin Zuijia asked.

He has heard from the other people about nights when several children's cries and screams assault the ears of the people, but no one has a clear idea on who or what those screaming children are.

"They are the screaming children. There is no more to explain." The boy said as he smiled smugly.

Qin Zuijia felt that the boy was incredibly unreliable. They could kill the old women, but they aren't sure whether or not the screaming children would return Xiao Ling to them.

Sensing his uncertainty, the boy then laughed. "The screaming children are trustworthy. If you both are able to destroy the old women, the screaming children would return the baby. If not." He smiled as if pleased with himself. "another member will be added to the screaming children."

The two now know a little bit of information about the screaming children. The boy wasn't safeguarding his words. It was as if he was telling them information without looking as if he was biased.

"How do we kill the old women?" Wei Xiao asked.

"We aren't sure just what kind of entity those women are." Qin Zuijia ponders. "It's possible that they are ghosts or demons, but they could also be demonic practitioners."

"Even this one doesn't know." The boy hangs languidly. The swaying of his body declines. "I have only seen them with human faces, sometimes they would peel those skin off and expose their smoke like body."

Qin Zuijia knew already of these facts. He saw how one of the women peeled off the skin she was wearing and turned into black smoke.

Although ghost, demons, and demonic practitioners may sound similar to the untrained mind, they are actually very different. A ghost is formed when the spirit separates from the body and is unable to follow the flow of reincarnation, for their corporal body hasn't yet been burned. Another way was for a soul to refuse reincarnation. The former was rather kind in nature, while the latter seemed sinister.

Ghosts are more powerful than humans. They are able to have abilities regardless of whether they practiced cultivation or not. But the only downside to it is that one cannot ascend to godhood if they are ghosts.

Demons are those who were created from dark energy. For example, a piece of paper. The paper is only a thing without life, but if thousands of deep demonic energy flows around them, the paper would start to have it's own consciousness. Again, demons aren't necessarily evil. With proper training they'll be a good companion.

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