Chapter 24 -Qin Zuijia the artisan

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Fu Yu dragged Qin Zuijia to learn the art of crafts and machine making from Bai Chenle. Bai Chenle didn't like being too close with Qin Zuijia, but he agreed that it was better for him to be an artisan and not cultivate lest another round of killing happen again. The most surprising thing to happen was that Fu Yu didn't feel frightened nor disgusted with Qin Zuijia, he was even glad to have him with him all the time. His eyes would shine as if fireworks had been set off in them. He was always ecstatic whenever he's with Qin Zuijia, and Qin Zuijia felt the same, as if them being around each other was a normal thing.

Wei Xiao, on the other hand, was feeling distressed. He knew that it would be best for Qin Zuijia to learn this way, but whenever he sees the two so close as if inseparable, he'd feel his heart squeeze and as if thousands of needles are pierced through them.

Xiao Ling was also feeling distressed. His pretty uncle was having fun with other people and ignoring him, but all those sour emotions he felt would be washed away whenever Aoki Enyo visits. If my pretty uncle isn't here, then I'd play with my pretty brother.


In the mountains behind the Wind masters sect, lies a habitat for different demon beasts. There are low-level demon beasts to mid-level ones. Although most of them aren't able to transform to human form, they are able to form unbreakable bonds with them.

The highest level of demon beast was a level six Bakunawa at the deepest part of the galvanic river. The Bakunawa was only 250 years of age but was on top of the food chain amongst the demon beasts in the mountains.

Wei Xiao was hunting wild rabbits when he came across the Bakunawa. Usually it won't come out of the water when there isn't a full moon, but this time, the sun was hanging from the sky, and the whole place was bright, yet the Bakunawa was actually staring at him.

Wei Xiao silently backed down. He wasn't Bakunawa's opponent. The only people who are on par with this creature are those who are in the Human Immortal stage. It has been a long time since such a person existed, and the highest stage a cultivator could get to was the late stage Nascent soul.

The Bakunawa tilted its head and extended its neck closer to Wei Xiao. The big blue snake-fish creature stared at him in awe.

Wei Xiao furrowed his brows and moved back. The Bakunawa stretched its neck to follow him.

Wei Xiao was calm at this moment lest the creature attack him. He wanted to get away, but was afraid that the Bakunawa would eat him directly. He doesn't understand the thought process of the Bakunawa, but he knew that this demon beast could think. He raises his hand in an 'I surrender' posture.

The Bakunawa took head-butted Wei Xiao and rubbed his head on his body.

Wei Xiao was stupefied and a bit frightened. The Bakunawa wasn't hostile to him, nor did it want to harm him. The Bakunawa was rubbing him with his head as if pleased.

At this time, Enyo, with Xiao Ling following him like a tail, saw the horrifying scene. His eyes widened and he stepped back, but Xiao Ling crashed with his legs and fell. Enyo turned to the child and helped him stand up. "You okay?"

Xiao Ling nodded repeatedly. His eyes were bright and his lips lifted in a smile. "Xiao Ling Okay!!"

Enyo smiled and rubbed the child's head.

The Bakunawa took notice of other people's presence. He turned to the child and dashed in. He could sense that the person he has been looking for for years was near. He smelled that person's scent on the other man just now, but the scent was even more powerful from the two people who just came. He was ecstatic that he didn't notice the fear in the tall one's eyes.

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