Chapter 1.1.1

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"Alright, settle down, year 11," My new tutor called over the heads of the students. Today was not only my first day in a completely brand new school, Ackley Bridge College, but it was also my first day in Ackley Bridge.

My mum and stepdad had just moved us up from Winchester to be 'closer to the family'. This was referring to my dad's parents as my mum's family all still lived in Spain. After my dad died, my mum had insisted on remaining close to his family. This posed an issue as my nan and granddad hated my mum, as she is Spanish, and despised my siblings and me as we 'dirtied the bloodline's purity.

Yeah, they were racists.

And one thing I couldn't stand was a racist.

"Settle down, please," My tutor continued, though the rest of the class continued to argue. "Excuse me. I'll wait 'till you've finished then, shall I?" This made everyone quieter. Even the tall, beautiful blonde girl beside me shut up, and she didn't seem like the type of person who stopped talking.

"Thank you," My tutor smiled sarcastically, looking over the room. "My name is Mr Bell."

"-end," One of the boys said, making the class laugh. I admit, I smiled a little.

"Very good," Mr Bell fake-complemented with a small smile. "Right, when I point to you's, I want you to shout your names loud and proud." He shook his fists in a faux-excited way. "Go."

The blonde girl, wearing quite a lot of makeup rose and said "Hayley Booth!"

The next girl bobbed in her seat and told the class her name was "Razia Paracha."

He pointed to the girl beside me next, who decided to sing her name "Missy Booth."

"Like it," the teacher complimented before pointing to the girl on the other side of Missy.

"Tahira Abad."

"Good one, very good," He finally pointed to me.

"Graciela Galaz," I spoke confidently, folding my arms across my chest to give myself some emotional support.

"Ooooh, España," Mr Bell said in his best (terrible) Spanish accent. He clicked and pointed to the guy sat behind me. "Zain."

"Zain Younis!" He replied enthusiastically.

"Name?" Mr Bell pointed to the guy wearing a blue jacket under his jumper. You could tell he was going to be a trouble maker just by looking at him.

"Abdullah bin Kevin."

As soon as those words left his mouth, almost everyone went into an uproar. I hear a "no!", "are you stupid" and "are ya mad?" The stupid git just sat there laughing. I could tell that we weren't going to get along.

"Sit down, please," Mr Bell told the angry mob. "Sit down!" he commanded when nobody listened to him. "You lot on steroids? Sit down." They obeyed. "Alright, joker, what's your real name?"

"That is my real name; I'm a revert."

"Pervert, more like," The girl, who I now knew to be Razia, taunted.

"Don't take the mick," A random kid replied.

"His name is Jordan Wilson, and he's a windup," Hayley announced, spitting her last syllable in his direction.

"Alright," Mr Bell pointed at him. "Jordan Wilson, Windup."

"Good morning, students," The intercom voice sounded, making us all pay attention. "Year 11, 12 and 13 assembly in the main hall will commence in ten minutes."

Everyone groaned loudly.

"All right, all right," The tutor hushed. "You lot best be on your best behaviour, Mrs Carter is nervous enough already."

Gracie | Cory WilsonWhere stories live. Discover now