Chapter 1.5.2

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Okay, I admit it. My gut feeling may have been a bit off.

They danced perfectly, but the match...

Well, we lost. Probably because I wasn't there (kidding! kidding... sort of.) They did, however, play very well. I felt like a proud mama bear as I watched them run through the St Marks players smiling, despite their defeat.

Still grinning widely, Cory came over and wrapped me in a hug.

"You did so well," I chuckled lightly as he continued to smile. "Nailed the dance, too. Must've had a good teacher..."

"She was alright," He shrugged, and I slapped his shoulder. "She was hot, though."

"I bet," I laughed, rose onto my tip-toes and pressed my lips against his. 

"Cory!" Riz yanked Cory off of me. "Let's go get Mr Bell."

"Couldn't have waited, mate?" Cory groaned, looking back at me, where I was still standing in confusion.

Snapping out of my daze, I looked around awkwardly for something to do. Seeing as I was in the middle of a field, there wasn't much.

"Hiya," a blonde girl with a baby spoke.

"Oh, hi," I smiled. "Are you Jordan's baby's mum?"

"Yeah, you know about Jamie?"

"Yeah, met him briefly," I laughed. "I'm GiGi."

"Candice," she replied happily. "You Cory's girlfriend?"

"Unfortunately," I looked over my shoulder to see Mr Bell sitting on his shoulders in the crowd of rugby players. "It's hard being in a relationship when you have to be the funny one, confident one, cute one and shy one."

"I bet," she laughed. "I didn't think Cory Wilson could be tamed."

"He can't," I shrugged. "He's just been subdued."

"GIGI!" Chloe shouted at me over the noise of the crowd. "Mum's letting me have a little party, are you coming?"

"Yeah, one sec! It was nice meeting you, Candice." I walked into the crowd surrounding Mr Bell, just as Riz and Cory were putting him down. "Cory!"

"Yeah?" Cory jogged lightly over to me.

"I'm going to Chloe's tonight, so text me if you need me."

"Alright, gorgeous," He pecked my cheek. "Don't have too much fun."

"Whatever." I rolled my eyes with a smile.

"GIGI, WE'RE LEAVING!" Chloe yelled for the second time.


"That sounds familiar..." Cory smirked. I slapped his arm before running over to Chloe, who had already started to walk back towards the school.

"Sorry about that," I smiled, but she didn't reply. "You okay, Chlo?

"Fine," Chloe answered too quickly.

"What's wrong?"

"Nothing," She sighed loudly. "You just keep ditching me for Cory."

"I know," I said. "I'm sorry, I thought I'd be really good at balancing friendship and romance, but I'm not."

"It's my fault," said Chloe. "I should've taken you home with me that day with Hayley. I basically forced you into each other's arms."

I laughed loudly at her absurdity.

"No, seriously," she insisted.

"Okay, it would've taken a bit longer, but I'm sure that it would've happened anyway."

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