Chapter 1.6.1

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I hadn't seen Cory since I left on Saturday evening.

Chloe, on the other hand, I had seen multiple times despite being mildly threatened by her mum. The only issue with this was that I'd be with Ms Keane in the English department for the day. She had no idea I'd seen Chloe, but I have a feeling she'll know something's up.

We were just around the corner from the school, and mum hadn't shut up about Cory for the whole ride.

"Nunca encontrarás a nadie mejor que Cory (You'll never find anyone better than Cory)," Mum said with a stern glance in my direction. "No lo arruines (Don't ruin it)."

"I'm not going to ruin it," I whined and rolled my eyes. "Why do you always assume I'd be the one to do something wrong?"

Th car halted outside the school gates and I climbed out as fast as I could. Taking deep breaths, I tried to remember that I did actually like - love - Cory and it wasn't just for my mum's approval. Though I had to admit, it was nice to see my mum interested in me for the first time.

"Woah, woah, woah," said Cory, falling into step beside me. "Slow down."

"Why?" I asked, continuing at the same speed.

"Well, just--" He grabbed my arm and stopped me. "You could at least say hiya."

"Hiya," I tried to turn back and continue walking, but Cory hadn't let me go. "What?"

"Why're you so pissy with me?"

For a second, I debated telling him what was going on inside my head. My stupid mum ignored my existence or blamed me for everything that goes wrong; my horrible past; my need to be liked. But, if I told him, he'd probably think I'm mad or broken and leave just like my crazy dad did. 

"I'm not," I smiled unconvincingly. "Ms Keane is expecting me in the English room, and I have to change into my costume."

"You know you can talk to me, don't ya'?" said Cory, letting go of my arm and placing his hands on either side of my shoulders.

"There's nothing to talk about," I stood on my tip-toes and pressed my lips against his gently. Cory seemed to hesitate but kissed me back just before pulling away. "I'll see you at lunch."

He nodded and gave me a doubtful smile. To be honest, I felt terrible keeping something from him, but I imagined how much worse it would feel if he left because of what I told him, that it convinced me to keep my mouth shut. 

Without another word, I awkwardly backed away and spun on my heel. Thank God it was another eight hours until lunch. I don't think I could handle any more uncomfortableness within the next few hours. It feels like he can sense when I'm lying to him; it's kind of freaky.

"Ah, Ms Galaz," said Ms Keane distastefully when I walked in. "You're dress is on the hanger on the door."

I turned around and saw the dress. It wasn't terrible. It was a floor-length, burnt copper gown with metallic patterns dancing on the fabric. The hips had outward padding, sort of like a blazer, that made you look wider than you really were. I noticed a matching necklace dangling from the coathanger, along with a gold and red shawl.

"Okay," I nodded. "Thanks, Miss."

She didn't reply but promptly exited the room without a back glance.

When Miss Keane returned, and I was changed with my hair done (by myself), she wasn't alone. Chloe was trailing behind her, looking crestfallen.

"Oh, hiya Grace-fruit," said Chloe. Hearing this, Miss Keane glared at me.

Gracie | Cory WilsonWhere stories live. Discover now