Chapter 1.2.3

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Of course.

Just my luck.

Alya was put in isolation at the end of first period, and they just had to put her next to me.

As if my day wasn't already bad enough.

"Oi," Cory whispered for the third time in the past hour. He had been trying and failing, to flirt with Alya since she had arrived. I did my best to ignore him, hoping he'd stop.

Just then, a paper ball flew past my head and into Alya's stall. She grimaced and picked up the note to read it.

"The way you spoke to Nasreen," she scowled. "You've got no respect for women or anybody."

"You are so in love wi' me," he smiled charmingly at her.

Alya scoffed and rolled her eyes. That's the only conversation I've ever heard Alya's opinion come off as respectable.

Three pairs of footsteps alerted me to the presence of Ms Keane, Mr Newaz and Mrs Carter. They were all looking rather stern, and I really hoped they weren't here to talk to me. I wasn't in the mood to explain myself.

"Graciela, Cory," She paused and looked between us. "You can go back to class."

I sighed in relief and put my things back into my backpack. I grabbed the little orange book off the desk in front of me and stood up.

"You came!" Alya exclaimed, seeing her dad.

I placed my book on the desk and left, not wanting to spend too much time around Cory.

"Grace-- GiGi, will you just talk to me?" Cory asked, catching up quickly with my fast pace.

I know I told him not to call me Gracie, but 'GiGi' didn't sound right when he said it. It was unnatural. It didn't make my heart flutter like it usually did.

"No," I looked at him. He grabbed my arm to make me stop walking. I looked him up and down quickly before pulling my arm away. "You forgot your bag."

"So that's it, is it?"He asked as I started to walk away. "You're just gonna blank me forever n' never listen to me explanation?"

I ignored him and pushed open the Sports Hall, finding my class already running.

"Ms Galaz, glad to see you're back from isolation," Mr Simpson smiled lightly.

"I don't have my kit, sir," I told him, placing my bag down. "I might have something in my bag."

"A pair of shorts or something will do. Just take off yer blazer, jumper and tie, and you can run in yer shirt."

I nodded and walked into the girls changing room. I rummaged through my bag, knowing exactly what I'd find.

Cory's joggers.

It was stupid that I felt as though I couldn't wear them just because I was ignoring him. Almost as if I had given in to him. But I had to wear something for PE.

Begrudgingly, I took off my skirt and pulled up the jogging bottoms. I tired them, just as I had done last night. Taking off everything but my sports bra, not wanting to get my school shirt sweaty and left the changing room.

All eyes turned to face me as I exited and joined the girls running.

The bleep test.


I jogged lightly beside Chloe, who laughed promptly at my attire.

"They definitely aren't yours," she nodded to the rolled-up jogging bottoms. "And neither is the deodorant you're wearing."

Gracie | Cory WilsonWhere stories live. Discover now