Chapter 1.1.3

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"Aren't you gonna get any lunch?" Missy asked me as she and Nas stood up to join the queue.

"Nah, my mum packed me a 'fruit salad' this morning," I smiled sadly at them as they left me alone at the table.

Obviously, me being alone gave the perfect opportunity for the vulture to sweep in.

I flinched slightly as someone placed their hands on either side on my hips.

"All right, babe?" Cory asked cheekily as he leaned down over my shoulder.

"I'd be better if you weren't in my bubble," I smiled sarcastically, turning my head to look at him. Our faces were literally inches apart, and he broke out into another cheeky smile.

"Fancy having lunch with me in the Sixth Form Hub?" His fingers began tracing lines around my hipbones.

"Do I look like a sixth-former to you?" I raised my eyebrow.

"Might make you feel like a sixth-former," Cory grinned.

I turned back to look at Nas and Missy, to see Nas gone and Missy standing sadly with an apple in her hand. I did consider staying, but my overwhelmed teenage emotions got the better of me.

"Alright," I nodded looking back at him as a triumphant smirk made its way onto his face. "And Cory?" I lowered my voice to a whisper. "Take your hands off my hips before I punch you in the dick."

He quickly raised his hands in defence and took a few steps backwards. I grabbed my bag and pulled it up onto my shoulder. As soon as I stood up, Cory draped his arm over my shoulders. I, of course, pushed it off straight away and nudged him in the rips. He stumbled back a few paces, grinning like an idiot, before rushing back to my side and gently pushing me with his arm.

It turns out the sixth-form hub is right at the other side of the school, so I was just walking beside Cory for a good five minutes before we got there.

The second we walked in, a group of guys sat at the back of the room cheered. Cory, taking my aback state to his advantage, threw his arm around my shoulder again.

I immediately understood.

I threw Cory's arm off of me, kicked him hard on the leg and sat down with a group of girls who were sat closest to the door. Cory bent over in pain, I rubbed my foot, mentally questioning why his leg was so hard, and the whole room erupted in laughter.

"What was that for?" One of the girls sat beside me asked, still laughing.

"Cheeky bastard needed a good kick to wipe that stupid smirk off his face," I grinned, looking at him limp over to his arsehole friends.

"I'm Shannon," She introduced herself with a small smile.


Barely two seconds later, Missy strode in confidently with a smile and waved at the girls I was sat with. I gave Missy a small wave, suddenly noticing how all the boys in the room had started staring at her arse.

"Hiya," The girl who had spoken to me seconds ago said. Missy, taking the hint that she didn't want her to sit with them, stepped away.

"Seriously, what's so good about it in here?" She asked the whole room, making even more boys draw their attention to her bum. "Got a coffee machine, which is impressive and everything, but it's still school. I'm your age, don't worry. Just all got to be dead to me 'cause you passed your exams 'n that." The girls in hijabs didn't seem to be very impressed by Missy's comment.

"That's a fair point, you know," I added, supportively. Missy beamed in my direction.

"It weren't her fault," Nas added. "She's in our year really, she's just gotta retake."

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