Chapter 1.2.2

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It was rather embarrassing walking into a class late, you know?

Ms Keane held the door open for us as Chloe, and I walked into the room of thirty students. Everyone stared over at us. Zain kept grinning at me, freaking me out slightly.

"You've got to remember that picture can end up anywhere," Mr Qureshi finished before looking to Ms Keane.

"Couldn't find class," She told him. We continued to stand awkwardly in the doorway as students laughed and reached mockingly.

"Take a seat."

I sat down next to an empty seat, so Chloe could sit next to me.

"Ugh, try not to vomit on me," Razia jeered as Chloe went to sit down beside me. Razia and Hayley moved over so they wouldn't have to sit alongside her. Some of the boys mimicked her reaching again, and I patted her knee comfortingly.

Not two seconds later, Jordan came through the door carrying a large blue messenger back with two hands. Zain 'ooh-ed' behind me. Jordan took the seat between Chloe and Raz, placing the bag tenderly down on the floor.

"I've got to sit next to the racist?" Chloe asked, annoyed. The students all laughed. Maybe she'd be alright after all.

"Okay," Mr Qureshi continued as Ms Keane left the room. "In groups of three, I want everyone to fill out this anonymous questionnaire."

He passed us all out a piece of paper attached to a clipboard and double-checked that everyone had one before standing back at the front.

"Well go on then, talking to people won't hurt ya," Mr Qureshi chuckled using a hand gesture to dismiss us.

"GiGi," Raz called over Jordan and Chloe's heads. "Wanna join our group?"

I considered it for a second but remembered the way they had talked to Chloe, minutes prior.

"It's alright," I smiled politely. "I'll work with Chloe and Jordan today."

Raz and Hayley frowned and turned hesitantly to the guy sat beside them.

"You could've grouped with them," Chloe told me, as the class began to twist their chairs to face each other.

"Didn't want to," I assured her. "Jordan's a dick, couldn't let you deal with him alone."

"Funny," Jordan commented sarcastically, gently moving his bag when he swivelled his chair around to face us.

After I'd moved my chair into the huddle, Mo, one of Zain's 'crew members', came up behind me and handed me a folded slip of paper.

'Is it true that if somebody can sleep with Nas Paracha, they can take you to the rec?'

"What?" I asked, storming over to him. He blinked nervously.

"If someone can sleep with Nas Paracha, they can take you to the rec." He whispered to me, and my eyebrows scrunched together in confusion. What did I have to do with Nas Paracha?

"What?" Missy thundered, standing up and striding towards Mo too. "No! That was--"

"Missy, GiGi, back in your seats, please," Mr Qureshi ordered. I looked to Missy, still perplexed. Missy's mouth was open wide in shock, and she let out a sigh.

"Missy, what did you--"

"Now, GiGi," Mr Qureshi persisted, gesturing to my empty seat. I quickly waddled back and sat down beside Chloe.

"What was that about?" Chloe asked me.

I opened my mouth to reply, but was promptly cut off by a... cooing noise? My head turned in the direction of Jordan's bag. When a louder coo erupted, Chloe - who must've noticed too - reached down and opened the bag.

Gracie | Cory WilsonTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon