Chapter 1.3.1

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I decided to skip school on Friday. I had Chloe messaging me pictures of the school work so I wouldn't fall behind. Even though Raz and Hayley had stood her up on Thursday night, she somehow managed to become friends with them before double maths started.

Naturally, my skipping school prompted my mum to ground me for the weekend. As my plans for that weekend consisted of eating ice cream and watching Netflix in bed, I didn't have a problem with this. My mum, who disapproved of my sitting down all weekend, made me go running with her every morning at five AM.

"Tienes que venir conmigo (You have to come with me)," She'd order me at 04:45 in the morning. "Mantenerse en forma (Stay fit)."

"I'll stay fit," I'd whine into my pillow, "but can't I have a few more hours sleep?"

My mum has always been a morning person. The idea of waking up scares me. Imagine getting up and having time to prepare yourself for the day.

Anyway, It was now Monday. Chloe, Raz, Hayley and I were waiting at the back of the line to get our lunch, patiently. I'd managed to avoid all contact with Nas and Missy, who were now friends again, and, more importantly, Cory. My mum had been trying to convince me all weekend that I should give him a chance to explain. Still, seeing as she had ignored my complaints about the morning run, I ignored her guy advice.

I was brought back to reality by Zain and Mo shoving Jordan as he went to grab some food.

"What's the matter you?" Mrs Paracha shouted from behind the lunch counter. "I'll bang you bloody heads together!"

"He pushed in!" Zain pointed to Jordan angrily.

"Whites privilege, innit?" said Mo.

"Always tryna oppress a brother," Zain gestured to himself.

"Hey," Ms Shariff said, smiling, "get a grip. This is Ackley Bridge, not South L.A."

"You listen to her," Mrs Paracha told both Zain and Mo, then pointed to Jordan. "Get to back. Get to back!"

"Only getting a muffin," Jordan mutter sulkily, standing behind Chloe and me in the queue.

Chloe turned around, looking Jordan up and down sassily.

"You should go on Jeremy Kyle," Chloe folded her arms over her chest. "You'd be perfect for that show."

"Nah, you should," He retorted. "Episode could be called 'My mother abandoned me as a child'."

Chloe scoffed and looked him up and down again.

"Touche," she raised her eyebrows and smirked. She turned back to face me.

My heart dropped when I looked towards her, seeing Cory walking towards our small group.

"Alright, girls?" He asked, walking between Raz and Hayley, and me and Chloe. His eyes lingered purposefully on Chloe before he made eye contact with me and winked.

"Hey, Cory," Chloe said in her most alluring voice. I rolled my eyes when he smirked and walked away.

"He's a dog," Raz told Chloe when her eyes continued to follow him as he walked over to his friends, "'e'll go for anythin, 'im."

"I'm not looking to marry him, Raz."

"Whatever," Raz and Hayley said at the same time, walking down the lunch queue.

"What do you think?" Chloe asked me, fixing her ponytail. "Think he'll go for me?"

"Who, Cory?" I asked. "As Raz said, he'll go for anything. Plus it doesn't hurt that you're pretty."

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