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A/N- hey guys (^O^) while this is an x reader there are some specific features I'd like (Y/N) to have. I'm sorry if these do not apply to you but i promise it's not too much. 1) (Y/N) has a septum piercing and multiple ear piercings. 2) (Y/N) has dark hair one shade off being pure black. 3) She is bisexual ;). The rest is all you !

Bold text = inner thoughts

After the death of your grandmother you wanted to get as far away as possible from home, you wanted to escape life and reality. Your Gran was the closest person to you even after she went mentally insane. Well at least that's what people said had happened to her.

Your POV

It started with voices in her head. Gran told me they used to whisper things to her but she could never make out exactly what they were saying. My mother blamed it on old age and suggested we put her in an Psychiatric hospital. However my Gran refused. She was convinced it was satan or some unholy spirit tormenting her. I wasn't one to believe in the supernatural but I didn't want to believe my gran had gone insane. My mother gave up with trying to help and prioritised her work instead. She became a workaholic leaving me to take care of Gran. Shortly after I noticed that glass objects around the house kept shattering. At first it was smaller items like vases and picture frames until one day I came home from the supermarket to find every window in the house completely smashed into millions of tiny shards of glass.

I dropped the shopping bags and I ran inside. The food had rolled out of the bags onto the ground but I didn't care. There sprawled out on the floor inside was my Gran. She was covered in specs of dried blood from where the glass had scraped off her pale cold skin. Oddly enough there was a trail of dried blood emerging from both her ears. No way could glass have gotten in there i thought. I called an ambulance but it was too late, she was already dead. It was a brain haemorrhage they said. Your Gran died of a brain haemorrhage they all tried to convinced me. They were medical professionals so why didn't I believe them ?

After Grans death my Mom spent even more time at work. I'd catch a glimpse of her once every two weeks if I was lucky. Life was like one big haze to me. I kept to myself at school and became more and more closed off from the outside world. That's when an opportunity to start fresh presented itself. Our school offered an exchange program with a sister school in Japan. Don't ask me why but I had been learning Japanese since I was a little kid. I blame it on my love for anime. This exchange was the perfect escape route from my bleak life here in (your country). It wasn't long until the paper work had been processed and I was on a flight to Japan.

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