Abort Mission

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Your POV

The cursed spirit's expression shifted from one of disquiet to one of excitement.

"Fun!" He grinned as he jumped from the balcony rail above.

The blood boiled in my veins. 'Thump, thump, thump, thump' my heart rate was elevating. My body excitedly jittered. It was a similar feeling to the one you get as you inch closer to the very top of a rollercoaster before it drops. It wasn't fear it was pure delirium.

I wanted nothing more than to rip his body to shreds and feast on his soul. Death and destruction called out to me in sweet harmony. Was this what they considered a killer instinct ?

I've never wielded such power before. It felt as though all it would take is one formidable scream to shatter the universe. Although the white flames were part of my enhanced powers, I wanted to simply bask in them forever. There it was again, that intoxicating feeling. It drove me mad. It was a concoction of ecstasy infused with vengeance. The anger of the lost souls burned within me.

"AHAHAHA yes that's it !" I could have sworn I heard Sukuna's voice cackle somewhere in the back of my mind. Forget sharing this with Nanami, I wanted the pleasure of slaughtering this cursed spirit all to myself. Was that really what I wanted though or had my mind been tainted ?

"My cursed technique draws a line along the target and using a 7:3 ratio creates a weak point at that location" Nanami explained. "I can create this technique along more than just their height or wingspan. This cursed technique can affect more than just living creatures as well." he informed.

I wasn't quite sure why Nanami decided to expose his technique so recklessly to the cursed spirit like that. However rather than questioning his motives my mind was elsewhere. My gaze remained locked on my target. I was just itching to tear every stitch in his body apart. I clenched my fists, digging my nails into the palm of my hands to restrain myself. I squeezed so hard that I managed to pierce through the skin. Blood oozed through the openings between my fingers.

"You're getting serious, huh" the cursed spirit liked his lips. Next thing I knew, Nanami's arm was wrapped around my torso. He picked me up as though I was some piece of luggage before he took off sprinting with me under his arm.

"What the hell put me down" I growled. Nanami chose to ignore my complaints and continued dashing at lighting pace. He seemed to build up more momentum as we approached the stone wall. Without warning he leapt into the air. He loaded back his wrapped fist as he spun in the air.

"Ratio technique: Collapse" Nanami yelled. The blue flame emitting from his fist was so bright that it was next to blinding. Upon contact with the wall it instantaneously fractured and crumbled. The blast was so intense that the air swirled like a whirlwind around us. The fragments seemed to expand as the toppled down. It was unlike Nanami to pull off such a risky move. We could just as easily be hit by the falling debris as the cursed spirit. Why did I find that possibility somewhat thrilling ?

Nanami's reflexes were as sharp as my own. We were back down on the ground within seconds.

"I should dodge this one" the cursed spirit announced not really paying attention to Nanami and I anymore. In one swift swat of Nanami's blade he chopped off the cursed spirits lower leg setting it off balance. The cursed spirit was left sitting on the floor in surprise.

"We're retreating now" Nanami declared. We're what ?! I angrily thought.

"You should get that leg healed quickly. If we both manage to survive, let's meet again." Nanami stated before dragging me away.

"No" my white flames intensified in rage. "Nanami let me fight, I can finish him" I squirmed in Nanami's hold in attempt to free myself. I heard a loud thud behind us which I could only assume was the wall finally collapsing. A cloud of dust diffused out from the rockfall.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 12, 2020 ⏰

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