I Look Pretty Good for a Dead Bitch

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Your POV

As my eyes adjusted to my surroundings, I could just about make out that the two figures standing in front of me were Fushiguro and Kugisaki. Kugisaki was waving her hands in front of my face like crazy while Fushiguro was yelling my name. A little behind them stood the second years uncertain of what to do. ITADORI was my first thought.

"How long was I out for ?" I suddenly blurted out of no where.

"Aghhh" Kugisaki jumped back after getting a fright from my sudden response. "You gotta stop spacing out like that it's freaky" She groaned.

"How long ?!" I desperately asked.

"About ten minutes, are you alright ? your eyes were glow— before Fushiguro got to finish his sentence I squeezed past the two of them and took off sprinting towards the morgue.

"Where are you doing ?" Kugisaki called after to me.

"What's her deal ?" Maki furrowed her eyesbrows in confusion.

"I have to check on something" I yelled back over my shoulder. There was no point in telling them that Itadori was alive when I had no idea if I had successfully accomplished to bring him back or not. It wasn't fair to get their hopes up only to crush them again if it wasn't true.

It was rather strange, while I remembered being in the innate domain and talking with Sukuna there where spaces and gaps that I couldn't quite fill in. For example while I could remember him speaking about my banshee abilities, when it came to any conversations between Sukuna and Itadori everything was hazy and muffled as though someone had censored it.

I also distinctively remember Sukuna ruining my headphones but yet they were currently on my head as good as new. Perhaps what happens within the innate domain doesn't apply to my physical form in real life I thought. That would explain how Sukuna had jabbed me with his claws but when I snapped out the trance there were no markings or how he chopped off Itadori's head and it magically reformed.

I ran as fast as my legs could carry me. I was going so quick that when I tried to slow down I skidded past the door I needed to go in through. I turned back around and flung open the entrance door to the morgue.

"ITADORI" I yelled as a gasped for air.

"Huh?" Gojo looked over surprised to see me. I leaned against the doorframe trying to catch my breath. There sitting up completely naked on one of the autopsy tables was Itadori. Wait a second, completely NAKED ?! It just registered in my brain.

"Ahhhh oh my god I'm so sorry" my cheeks flushed red in embarrassment. I immediately clamped my hands over my eyes. "I didn't see anything, in fact I was never even here" I went to walk back out the door. Gojo burst out laughing at my antics.

"I bet you wish you had a blindfold like mine right about now" Gojo joked.

"Yuuji put on some pants you have company, and (Y/n) get your ass back here" He instructed. I turned back around but kept my hands over my eyes in respect of Itadori's privacy.

"Ok all done, you can open your eyes now" I heard Itadori cheer. He was still sitting on the autopsy table with his legs dangling over the edge. The difference was that this time he was fully clothed.

"Ohayo (Y/n), it's good to see you" Itadori beamed a bright smile. God I missed that goofy little face of his I thought. I dashed over and tackled him into a bear hug. He was actually tangible and not just some cruel hallucination. He rested his chin on the top of my head before wrapping his own arms around me.

"Ah young love" Gojo cooed beside us.

"WHAT ?!" Itadori and I immediately pulled away from each other. I felt my cheeks flush red but not from embarrassment. I glanced to my side to see that Itadori's cheeks were tinted with a pink hue. Gojo wholeheartedly laughed at our expense.

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