Mad Hatter

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A/N- just a heads up this chapter has a music clip with it.

Also I kind of started it in this chapter but I was thinking of making Y/n when she's in banshee mode partially insane. I mean who wouldn't go crazy after hearing all those voices and screams. It'll make her more unpredictable, basically a loose cannon. Let me know what you think about this idea \( ˆoˆ )/

Your POV

What now ? I wondered. After running in circles and cutting multiple corners I had finally reached the end of the glowing string. However unlike last time there were no dead bodies at the end of the trail. I ended up in some dimly lit alleyway. I walked further down the lane in search of whatever it was I was supposed to find.

Huh that's strange I thought. I could have sworn I just walked through a field of negative energy. I turned on my heels and walked past the same spot again. There it is again, but where is it coming from ? I looked around but there were no corpses to be seen, let alone a person who was in trouble of dying. I looked down at me feet and realised I was standing right on top of a manhole. No, it couldn't possible be coming from the sewers, the presence is far too strong up here I thought. However I had no other leads so what did I have to lose ?

I knelt down beside the manhole and placed one hand on the cover. Instantly I was hit with a wave of unnerving energy, stronger than I'd ever felt before. I removed my headphones to investigate further. I leaned down and pressed my ear against the lid. I could here hundreds of whispers all mingled together calling out from below. The only other time I had felt a presence like this was around that rag doll looking guy from my visions. Was I really about to go down into the sewers of all places ? I gulped in fear. I had either discovered the cursed spirits hideout or I was about to be Pennywise's next meal !

I picked my headphones up off the ground. I was about to place them back on but for some reason I hesitated. I knew it was risky but I spontaneously decided to wear them around my neck instead. There were so many whispers that my hearing would need to be on high alert. For this situation I'd need to be one hundred percent focused which meant not trying to drown out the voices with my music.

I cautiously lifted the cover up just enough so that I could slide it across. The energy emanating from the opening was spine chilling. I peered down into the hole to see nothing but darkness. At the top of the opening I could vaguely see the rung of a ladder. I could only hope that it continued down along the way or it would be quite the fall.

I reached one leg down and shuffled it about until my foot was securely on one of the rungs. I then grabbed the top rung and proceed to climb down into the sewers. The sound of gushing water echoed throughout the various tunnels and pipes. Once I reached the bottom I was hit with the sickly smell of raw sewage. The only light came from natural lighting that shun in from drain openings on the road above. The pipes were rusted while the brick walls were coated in mould. How charming I sarcastically muttered to myself.

One thing was for certain, this place was shrouded in death. I could hear the cries and whispers of the dead echoing around me. How many people died down here ? I had to wonder.

I went to take a step forward but I was engulfed by an overwhelming force. It was off the charts, stronger than any presence id felt before. I couldn't just sense it, I could visibly see it. It appeared as a white mist that swirled about in a colourless haze. It resembled steam rising in a way. I felt my hands tingle. I raised one hand up to about eye-level to see what was wrong. Huh ?! I seemed to be absorbing the energy around me.

I could feel the energy surging up through my veins. It felt good, no it didn't just feel good it felt amazing. It was extremely intoxicating. I felt on a whole new high. I wanted more, I needed more. The whispers seemed to murmur in agreement or maybe it was against it, I couldn't really tell for my mind was racing far too fast.

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