Lost Souls

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Your POV

The rain was really pouring down. There was even the odd rumble of thunder here and there as a blanket of dark grey clouds covered the sky. Nonetheless we'd have to fight rain or shine. Nanami ran at the cursed creature.

"My cursed technique allows me to forcibly create a weak point on any opponent." Nanami explained while dodging the creatures attack. "Seven to three, striking the point at that ratio, when you draw a line along the targets length causes a critical hit" he elucidated. It made sense that his approach would be both mathematical and tactical as this suited his personality.

"That allows me to deal a fair amount of damage to those ranked higher than me, and if their cursed energy is weak I can cut them in two, even with a blunt blade." Nanami declared.

I had to split my attention between Nanami's lecture and the cursed spirit that was currently throwing punches at me. In spite of that, this was light work to me, the creature wasn't very co ordinated and my reflexes were just too sharp for it to catch a hold of me. However Itadori on the other hand seemed to be wrestling hand in hand with his cursed spirit.

"Are you two even listening to me ?" Nanami yelled.

"Huh !? You were saying all that to me ?" Itadori shouted back. Unfortunately now that he was distracted the cursed spirit took advantage of this and flung Itadori into the fence.

"I'd love to say you have my undivided attention but I'm kind of in the middle of something here" I responded as I jumped over the cursed spirits extended arm. 

"Is it ok to reveal something like that ?" Itadori questioned as he picked himself back up off the ground.

"It's a technique that's ok to reveal, and it's an opponent that it's ok to reveal it to" Nanami proclaimed. "It's good if revealing it misleads our opponent right ?" he rhetorically asked.

"There is merit to it. The 'contract' of 'showing ones cards' raises the effectiveness of the technique." he explicated.

"Just like this" Nanami slid one foot out to the side and raised his wrapped sword. Glowing blue energy waves encircled around him. It reminded me of the blue flames I saw emanate off Fushiguro's body that day at the detention centre. The cursed spirit galloped at top speed directly at Nanami. In one rapid swing of the sword it cut clean through all four of the creatures limbs. Blood spattered everywhere mixing with the puddles of rain water that had formed on the ground. The creature collapsed as it had nothing to support its body any longer.

"That's all from me" Nanami swung his sword in the opposite direction to shake off some of the blood that had soaked into the cloth wrap.

"Wow" I heard Itadori gasp.

"That was badass Nami" I cheered.

"Behind you" Nanami responded with.

"Huh?" I looked back over my shoulder to see the creature charging at me once more. I've had enough of you, it's time I end this I thought.

For the past month Itadori and I had been practicing with Gojo at night on how to combine our powers with our combat skills. I was getting a lot better at controlling abilities such as my hypersonic scream and how to activate my energy surge. However the wings and the premonitions were still a huge puzzle to me. I felt as though I was riding in autopilot and that there was so much more potential I hadn't unlocked yet. Was it a mental block or was I just incapable of wielding such power ?

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