Screams and Whispers

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A/N- heya it's me again with a quick message ! So I have attached some music for this chapter and you will see as you read along where to play it. The idea of it is to imagine this music playing in the background. This is basically the song that's playing on (y/n)'s phone while she fights. So expect a song for battle scenes.

Your POV

Since moving to here things have started to get rather freaky. It all began three weeks ago, on my second day in Japan. I started to hear whispers and murmurs in my apartment. The voices all spoke at the same time which made it hard to work out what they were saying. It all muffled together. However as the days went on the voices got louder. There were low voices, cackles and hisses. It sounded somewhat demonic. I started to use my headphones a lot more often from then on. The music helped to drown out the pesky voices. I also began to notice little things like the school bell rang louder than usual as if someone had amplified it or maybe that was just my imagination.

One night I heard a blood curdling  scream, it sounded like someone was being murdered. I ran outside my apartment and frantically searched the streets for whoever was in trouble. Their shrieks rang through out my ears. However there was no one around, not a single sole. There was nothing but empty alleyways and deserted streets.

I came to the conclusion that my apartment was haunted. I had no where else to go so I began staying in school overnight. I hadn't made any friends either so I couldn't ask anyone if I could stay with them. I admit that I had an intimidating appearance compared to the kawaii girls in my class. I suppose that's what made them reluctant to approach me. While I had dark hair and numerous piercings this didn't reflect my personality in the slightest. I was actually quite friendly and humorous if people only got to know me. I hid in the bathrooms until everyone left. I liked to sleep in the library since the beanbags in there were pretty comfy. Not that I was getting much sleep anyway since I hadn't managed to escape the voices. In fact I could hear them clearer now than ever before. I couldn't stand it anymore they made me want to scream and pull my hair out.

I decided it was safest to just wear my headphones 24/7. They were plain black wireless overhead ones that I had gotten for Christmas two years ago. The only problem was that if I wore them during class they'd be confiscated. The solution I came up with was to buy a cheap pair of knock off AirPods. I was stingy when it came to purchases like that. But at least the teachers wouldn't notice them in class. So if it wasn't my apartment that was haunted, does that mean that I'm the one who's being haunted ? I wondered.

It was then that I realised that the voices weren't coming from around me but that they were actually inside my head, just like Gran. I spent that night searching the library for any sort of book on the supernatural, ghosts or demons but i found nothing. That's when I remembered a poster I had passed earlier that day in the hallway. The school had an Occult Phenomenon research club. While I had laughed at the idea of such a bizarre club at first, now it looked like it was my last shot at finding answers. I didn't have a key to the club room so I'd have to wait till tomorrow after school to check it out.

~next day~

The school bell chimed signifying the end of class for the day. I grabbed my bag and flung it over my shoulder before bolting out of the room. I wanted to get to the occult club room before it's members did. This way I wouldn't have to deal with nosey people asking questions. However my lack of a sense of direction spoiled this plan. I got lost twice on the way there even after stopping to ask someone for directions. I skidded to a stop just outside the club room. I peered through the glass panel of the door. The lights were off inside. Maybe they're not here yet after all I thought. I slid the door open and stepped inside. To my surprise, there in the dark sat three figures hunched around a small table.

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