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Your POV

I stumbled out onto the roof top. The beast was about to lower Itadori into its mouth right in front of my eyes. Fushiguro lay paralysed in fear on the ground. His eyes widened in horror at Itadori. All of a sudden a surge of energy radiated out from Itadori's body. This freed him from the curses grasp. He landed safely back on his two feet.

The curse angrily charged at Itadori but just before it reached him, Itadori motioned his arm upwards. There was a burning energy emanating from his hand. I have no idea what he did but whatever it was ripped the demon apart. It's guts and bodily parts flew up into the air. They hovered there as if the demon was tearing apart in slow motion. I was caught in the middle of the crossfire. I ended up getting splattered with blood.

The moonlight's rays shun through the hazy clouds. Itadori basked in the white light. Something wasn't right. I gazed at his hand. He now had long pointed black nails. I shifted my gaze to his face. It was covered in odd black lines and symbols. They resembled tattoos. He opened his eyes, except not just two but four of them. His pupils were blood red. What happened to him I gasped.

The figure that resembled Itadori burst out into a fit of laughter.

"Ah I knew it. The light feels best in the flesh" a demonic voice exclaimed before ripping off his jumper and shirt. Itadori's rather muscular body was also covered in the same black symbols and lines.

"Where are the people ? The women ?" He looked around excitedly. That's when he spotted me staring at him.

"Well, what do we have here" he marched over to where I stood and grabbed me by my throat. He lifted me up off the ground. My feet dangled just above the floor. This isn't Idatori I realised.

"What an era to be in. Women and children are crawling everywhere like maggots" he cackled.

"Oi, who are you calling a maggot" I managed to wheeze. I clawed at his hand in attempt to free myself.

"Well aren't you a feisty one. I love it when they try fight back" he cackled. What sadistic bullshit is this I mentally cursed. I was starting to become lightheaded from the lack of oxygen. All of a sudden he released me from the choke hold. I fell to the ground, heavily panting and gasping for air.

"What do you think you're doing in my body. Give it back" I heard Itadori's voice.

"How are you able to move ?" The demon was puzzled. To the outside world it looked like Itadori was having a conversation with himself out loud.

"I mean, it's my body" Itadori stated matter of factly. Fushiguro was back up on his feet.

"Don't move" Fushiguro ordered. "You're no longer human. Under Jujutsu regulations, Itadori Yuuji I will exorcise you as a curse" he declared. Wait what I internally panicked. I looked over to see a black mist forming around Fushiguro. Itadori held his hands up in surrender.

"Wait, really, I'm fine" Itadori insisted. The black markings on his skin began to fade away. Itadori looked like his normal self again. I jumped out in front of him. I outstretched my arms in a defensive stance.

"Hey come on now why don't we just talk this out" I suggested.

"What's the situation ?" A voice I hadn't heard before enquired. I looked over to where a tall man with spikey bleach white hair stood. A black blindfold masked his eyes which added a mysterious allure to him.

"Gojou- sensei ? Why are you here ?" Fushiguro seemed to know this mystery man.

"I wasn't planning on coming but man you're roughed up" he leaned down to examine Fushiguro's face before pulling out his phone. "I should show the second-years" He began to take a burst of photos of poor Fushiguro. This guy was both serious and playful what a strange combination.

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