Mt. Fuji

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A/N - So there's a music clip with this chapter and although it's playing through (Y/n)'s headphones the song's really meant for Gojo's background song ! I don't even know if it fits well but I just had to use it for him.

Your POV

The simple sound of a page turning, that's what teleported me here. Where was here you ask ? I had no idea. My eyes were wide open but all I could see was darkness.

'Schliff,  schliff,  schliff'  the pages were flipped one by one. The susurration of the pages hummed in my ear. 'Schliffschliffschliffschfill' someone flicked faster through the book causing the pages to flutter.

"Schliffschliff  schliff.... silence. I took a step forward in the dark, the whispers faintly murmured. I took another step forward, the whispers grew louder. In the distance I could see a narrow slider of golden light shine out from under what appeared to be a hidden door. I approached the door with caution. I reached my hand out in search of the handle. As I opened the door I was instantly hit with a wave of heat. I stood there in the doorway trying to comprehend what my eyes were seeing.

A beach ? I scrunched my nose in confusion. I could smell the ocean breeze wafting through the air. The humidity was so intense that I could visibly see the heat rise from the hot sand. I could hear the waves froth as they softly crashed into the shore. The beach was entirely deserted apart from a single sun lounger and a parasol that were a couple of metres away from me. 'Schliff' another page turned. That's when I spotted that there was a figure laying on the sun lounger. In their hands they held open a small yellow book. I couldn't see their face as the shade from the parasol shrouded their upper body. I decided to try get a closer look at the mystery figure.

As I stepped out onto the sandy shore I was instantaneously met by multiple screams and shrieks. They sounded to be in extreme pain and greatly suffering. The strangest thing was that theses voices weren't the shrieks of people dying, nor were they the screams of the dead, but these shrieks were of trapped souls. While their physical form was definitely dead, their souls were as alive as ever. I could sense that the spirit energy was crazy off balance. But why here ? Why were there so many trapped souls and why were they in so much pain ? I wondered. The screams died down to a muffled muttering. I went to take another step towards the figure but I couldn't seem to budge. I looked down to see my feet sinking into the sand. I tried to pull one foot out but that only resulted in me sinking even faster. Quicksand on a beach ? I was beyond confused. All of a sudden the ground opened up and I plummeted straight down into darkness once more.

Gojo's POV

Neither of them seemed to have heard me come down the stairs so I remained in the shadows behind them to observe. Yuuji was sat upright with the cursed corpse on his lap. He was totally engrossed in the film while (Y/n) was sound asleep next to Yuuji with her head resting on his shoulder.

I had originally only been joking with them earlier in the morgue, but looking at the two now perhaps there was something romantic stirring between them after all. Interesting, teehe very interesting indeed i thought. Although at the same time it could just be a friendship, the two were quite similar in a way so it was easy to see how they'd get along. I guess only time will tell I noted.

Yuuji appeared to be in control of his cursed energy as the doll didn't even twitch in its slumber. Wow, he learns surprisingly quick I realised.

"Yuuji" I called. Yuuji practically jumped out of his skin from the fright.

"Gojo- sensei ?" Yuuji looked over his shoulder surprised to see me. Talking to him doesn't cause a problem either. Looks like we'll be able to increase his output quickly and move on to the next stage soon i noted

Jujutsu Kaisen x reader जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें