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A/N- this chapter has another music clip, you'll see as you read along where to play it :)

Your POV

With one swift leg sweep the doll had knocked me off balance. I fell right down on my ass. Before I could get back up, the doll jump kicked me right in the centre of my chest which sent me tumbling backwards. How in the hell did that hurt ? isn't this thing made of stuffing ? I thought. The doll was rather persistent. It lunged at me again but I managed to dodge it by the skin of my teeth.

"A jujutsu sorcerer is constantly facing death and not just their own death. It's an unpleasant job. You have to be a little crazy and highly motivated to handle it." the principal proclaimed. Well I can check off crazy part with all these voices in my head I joked to myself. He then specifically targeted Itadori.

"Are you going to blame your grandfather when you're killed by a curse too ?" He provoked.

"Woah there, don't you think that's a bit harsh" I stuck up for Itadori. The doll hit Itadori in the chin with an uppercut. The blow was so strong that his body flipped into the air. Itadori fought back by head butting the doll before locking it in a tight hold. I was so engrossed in Itadori's  drama that I forgot about the other doll.

Crap where'd it go i scanned around the room until I spotted a pair of red glowing eyes in the shadows. It used the wall to propel itself straight into me, knocking me to the floor once more. This time I was a lot quicker on my feet. Mounted on one of the temple walls was a set of Sai. I darted over and pulled them off the wall. If I was going to defeat this thing, hand to hand combat alone would not be enough.

"No weapons" the principals voice bellowed.

"Any human can be trained to fight with a sword. You fail" he declared.

"Disarm her" he commanded. Another set of dolls arose and made a direct beeline for me. They each grabbed one of my arms. They bent my wrists back until I dropped the Sai. Nonetheless they didn't stop there. The dolls shoved me against the wall and restrained me in place. The first doll reappeared and began to smack me across the face. It threw punch after punch after punch. My nose had begun to bleed and my head was throbbing. There was no escape. Idatori jumped up onto his feet and was about to come to my rescue.

"Help her and you both fail" the principal warned. Itadori could only stand there and watch as I was beat to a pulp. All of a sudden there was a bright white glow. It was coming from my eyes. I let out hypersonic scream. The cat like doll exploded right in front me. Stuffing flew everywhere. I yanked my arms free from the clutches of the other two. I screamed again except this time I somehow used my hands to guide where the sound waves went. I was able to direct and divert the sound energy. The dolls were launched back so far that they were practically thrown into another dimension ! My eyes returned back to normal however I was completely unaware that they had even been glowing in the first place.

"Satoru.... show them to the dorms, explain security and everything else to them too" the principal instructed.

"Huh ?" Itadori and I were both puzzled.

"You both pass, welcome to Jujutsu Tech" the principal congratulated.

"And you" he pointed a finger at me. "You owe me a new doll" he angrily barked.

"Yes Sir, sorry Sir" I saluted like a soldier. We followed Gojo out of the temple and walked alongside him to the dorms.

"What was up with your eyes back there ?" Gojo leaned in close to face to examine it.

"My eyes ?" I scrunched my nose in confusion.

"Yeah it was so awesome but kind of creepy at the same time, they were glowing bright white" Itadori got over excited.

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