A Grave Mistake

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After arriving in China Izuku headed to the dojo via cab.

Izuku's P.O.V.

Just the outside of this place is amazing but for now I need to focus on my training I was told it would be two 1/2 years of pyromancy with Scorpion and then two 1/2 years of cryomancy with Sub-Zero.

Time skip to three months in

After three months of building my weight up via squats, push-ups, sit-ups, 5km runs and pull-ups I finally can start with defensive training first focusing on blocking for a month, the parry monty after, for the third month grappling and then for the fourth month counter.

After two weeks I mastered blocking and am currently working on how to combine my blocks I managed to combine a two block with an accidental counter which staggered my opponent during a simple sparring session.

After the the fourth month was up I started to work on offensive tactics which lasted another four months then we focused the rest of the time learning with the Shirai Ryu I learned all of scorpions moves and made a combo of my own and used it to beat grand master Scorpion.

Now with the title of master under my belt I go to train under Sub-Zero and his daughter (adopted) frost (forgot her real name n surprise new harem member).

Frost's P.O.V.

After three months Izuku had mastered all of our defensive skills and combined them with the Shirai Ryu's defensive skills to create powerful counters now we are learning to cope on our own in the blistering cold. 'Why doesn't the cold bother him like it does everyone else?' I thought to myself.

Time skip to the ceremony match between Izuku and both grand masters to decide if he is the one.

Just imagine Sub-Zero living in the end and they're both against Izuku.

"Well done you have earned the title of grandmaster. Izuku we are honored to have taught you but now you must go and Frost you are to go with him." Sub-Zero said strangely in a slight angered tone. "Brother he is grand master now show respect please" Scorpion pleaded (they're not really brothers but both are a uncle figure to Izuku). "I would be calm if he didn't SLEEP WITH MY DAUGHTER!!!" He said/yelled 'oh fuck' Izuku thought then bolted out of the dojo while grabbing an embarrassed Frost's hand.

Time skip to the outskirts of Canada (where he meets silver)

"Ah your both early and yes I know what happened with the pair of you for now we are going to learn how to handle, clean and maintain a weapon so it doesn't jam." Agent 47 said while appearing from thin air behind the two lovers.

Izuku's P.O.V.

After we did we learned to be stealthy by keeping our breathing to a minimum through singing and swimming I took to the singing while frost took to the swimming.

"Now we will work on perfecting your aim shoot the bottles from this distance with this glock 36 and this glock 24." He said so I did. I missed a few times but adapted and got all targets in 1 week.

Sorry last training time skip

It has been five years since I started to train with agent 47 and my girlfriend Frost but thanks to their teachings both me and Frost are reccomended students for U.A. which was awesome.

After arriving back in Japan we saved a girl with her friend from some thugs that tried to rape them.

(Sorry to leave it here it's just that I'm changing some things up a bit as you can tell they are small things by adding girls to the relationship but that's it).

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