exam pt3 final

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After the explanation everyone who was left headed to the buses towards the fake cities by the time they got there Izuku saw Himiko and Frost while the others were in a different city.

Izuku's P.O.V.

After getting off of the bus I saw both my girlfriends and decided to go up to them but that boy with the blue hair decided to grab my shoulder and I decided he needed to kiss the ground courtesy of me grabbing his wrist and shoulder and slamming his head into the ground causing alot of people to back up except for a certain duo.

"Hey babe I'm guessing he tried to grab you?" Himiko asked "yep" I replied "what are we gonna do with you?" Frost asked with a smirk. "I can think of a few things" I teased causing both girls to blush.

Then we heard the gates start to open causing us three to head straight in destroying as many robots as we can but leaving none for the other contestants. "WHAT ARE YOU WAITING FOR THERE ARE NO COUNT DOWNS IN A REAL FIGHT NOW GO!!!" Present Mic yelled.

"Contestants 3768, 3769 and 3770 please stop and leave some robots for the others." A tired yet dreary toned voice said over the speakers. So being the smart people that we are we regrouped and started to head for the box they were in.

*knock knock* "hello can we come in?" We asked *crash tumble thud* "yes you may"said a cheery voice inbetween laughs "hi I'm guessing we scared them based on the noises we heard?" Himiko asked while chuckling while me and Frost were trying not to laugh ourselves "yes oh and I'm the-" the chimera said "your principal Nezu, Snipes, Aizawa a.k.a Eraserhead, All Might, Recovery girl, Present  Mic and Miss Midnight correct?" I asked "yes you are you may return home or stay here until the test ends if you wish" the one now known as Nezu said "we'll stay and thank you for allowing us." Frost said while bowing along Himiko while I gave All Might a death glare.

"Now for the real fun to begin" said Nezu as he pressed a red button. The ground started rumbling and zero pointer robots four stories tall came out of the ground one per city luckily they were three cities in total but we noticed something wrong.

"Some heroes they're running while some examinees are trapped right I will go to city C Frost you take city H and Himiko you've got this one let's go. " I said while we were already going to them I destroyed my robot and dropped the girl with a bob cut hair style then headed to city B to help Frost while I destroyed the robot she helped a girl with a black ponytail to the entrance then we both got to Himiko Frost helped her get the Jirou while I destroyed the last robot.

"THAT'S THE END OF THE EXAM YOU MAY GO HOME!!" Present Mic yelled. "Come on girls let's go home I said after recovery girl had already helped us.

Time skip a week later

"Girls the letter is here" I yelled which was followed by three footstops fastly approaching me. "Huh it's a large disc" said Kyoka after we set the disc down it started it was Aizawa and Nezu along with All Might "hello you four we are doing this one live due to the forseen circumstances of Izuku being my son" said All might.

"Hey asshole how's life you neglectful prick of a bastard?" I snapped. "What's that supposed to mean young man?" He asked "simple if you were my dad then why did you act as if I never existed when you and Inko found out I was quirkless?" I retorted

"So this is the man who did that to my adopted son well then I will have a word with the hero association to have him removed" said Nezu in an angry tone. "Thank you" said the girls. "Oh dad what were our scores?" I asked looking at Nezu which really upset Bitch Might but I didn't care. "Well you got 1st while the girls got 5th 8th and 9th for the written exam but for the practical again you all got a close call 369 for izuku, 367 for Himiko and Frost while and for Jirou you did well yes but you only got 179 and but for the hero points you Izuku got an extra 180 while Frost got 120 and Himiko got 60 and you three got an extra 50 each for finding us while Izuku got an extra 5 for each faculty member there. Welcome to U.A. you four." Then the disc exploded like a firecracker. Then after I put what was left of the disc in the trash the girls decided to cook and set the table after we had a shower and changed.

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