The disastrous date

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After that happened the girls were extremely happy with the outcome of the situation between Tsu and Izuku.

"Ok so this is what will happen first we go to Tsu's room in 1-A's dorm and pack her stuff so she can move in with us and when that's done I will sing while baking a cake" I said. The girls nodded at neck-snapping speeds a yes so while we changed and got cleaned up I was the first one downstairs and started the cake 5mins later just after the girls came down.

"When did you write that?" Himi asked with the girls behind her. "Oh jesus don't scare me like that and I didn't write it I heard it on the radio and had it stuck in my head ever since. Oh thay reminds me I know another song but I need Kiri-bro to help me" I told them while texting him and he replies with on his way.

5mins later "Hey Midori-bro what sing is it?" Kiri asked "Alone" I replied he just nodded and then we sung.

(Swap the SWS singer with Kirishima and swap MGK with Midoriya).

"How about one more since the cakes almost done?" Kiri-bro asked everyone nodded.

(Same as last song).

Everyone loved it. "Oh n Tsu me and you have a date tomorrow at the amusement park" I said she nodded a yes to confirm causing the girls to squeal lightly and both me and Kiri to chuckle a little then an idea popped into my head "hey please let your boyfriend know that I need you for a song if it's not too much trouble Hado-san?" I said. Again 5mins later Hado and Ojiro came round and after Ipulled them and Kiri to one side I told them the song I need help with they agreed. "Ok because we will need to be up early tomorrow we will perform one time only in the music room" I told everyone then they followed me there and after we got everything set up we sung the song we did together.

Ojiro and Kirishima are instruments while Izuku and Hado singing.

The next day.

It was 10:55am and both Izuku and Tsu was up and ready for their date.

"Ok let's go" the duo said earning a giggle from each other then they headed out for their date. They get to the entrance and Izuku held her  hand and walked past the que and headed straight in showing two tickets and then heading straight for the roller coaster.

After screaming like a girl and Tsu screaming slightly they got off of the ride and she clung to his arm wrapping her tits around it. This earned a few coos~ from couples as well as a bit of jealousy from a purple midget who had been following them.

When Tsu left for the toilet. Izuku heard a scream and when he got inside he saw a purple midget being held to the wall by Tsu's tongue with his phone on the floor showing pictures of her with on the toilet from under the stall door with this Izuku knocked out the grapist and phoned the police.

While waiting fof the police the three were with security and Izuku was comforting Tsu by holding her in an almost death like grip while holding a threatening stare that said if you want to get close be prepared to lose your arms. The police arrived and asked Tsu what she wanted to do with him she said she wants to press charges against him because if he was able to do it to her imagine how many more girls he did it to and on that note the couple was released and sent back to the dorm thanks to being picked up by Aizawa.

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