Training and exam pt2

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While Izuku was training and the girls had finished talking they decided to go get some drinks and snacks for themselves, Izuku and Heller.

Heller had took Izuku on a night raid to take out some blackwatch scouts found near the area they had captured a vibrant pink girl hair and skin with black and yellow eyes. Heller had showed Izuku how to consume people through stealth and just like that he picked it up on the spot after they cleared the area Heller went to search for more while Izuku had comforted the girl.

Heller had came back to the two kids and noticed they fell asleep in each other's arms so he carefully took Izuku's phone and called Frost to let them know that he will be dropping them off with some treats for the girls and a box of chocolate for Venom but they should get another room ready and he will explain when he arrives.

Heller's P.O.V.

After I got back from clearing the area for the last time I noticed that they fell asleep in each others embrace so I called Frost using the kid's phone.

Phone call

Heller - Hey Frost it's me Heller I'm coming back with Izuku now but I need to get some treats for you girls and a box of chocolate  for Venom first.

Frost - Ok I'll leave the door unlocked we're just watching a movie anyways since we couldn't sleep

Heller - got it oh by the way we went on a raid and reacued a girl with pink skin and hair both her and Izuku fell asleep in each other's embrace but with how scared she was I think she didn't want to let go or be alone.

Frost - ok got it I'll get a spare room sorted now and let the others know thanks for telling me.

Heller - no problem bye.

Frost - bye.

End phone call

'Now to get you two back' I thought to myself.

Time skip to entrance exam

I managed to get the girl now known as Mina in on recommendation while Scorpion got Jirou and Sub-Zero got Frost in the same way as well both Toga and Izuku got recommended by a man named Eraserhead and Izuku got in by a chimera known as Nezu and from what I believe he did that to piss off All Might and his bitch (Inko oh yh he knows about Izuku's past after he adopted him).

But I noticed a girl go upto him and gave him a strand of her hair by forcing it down his throat so I used my hearing to listen to his little chat.

"Hey bro here you deserve this more than I do." She said "why are you giving me your hair sis?" "It's how the quirk works I don't belong here you do that's why I'm joining the hero support course so I can help you guys instead." "I don't know what to say but thank you and I accept so what happens now?" "You eat this" she said then pulls a strand of hair out and force fed him with it.

Izuku's P.O.V.

After that the girls and I sat in our seats after completing the written part of the exam and we were listening to Present Mic giving his speach about the robots so we decided to talk amongst ourselves to figure out a way to weaken or destroy the robots with minimal damage to the surrounding area then the bitch with the stick strikes in the form of a rip-off sonic. "Excuse me but the pamphlet states that their are four robots not three and can you with the green hair and your friends be quiet this is serious." I had a smirk on my face that said this bitch bout to get owned "oh I'm sorry that you're a fucking coward that blames other people for his mistakes because you have no balls. Oh and by the way I checked with your mom and she cinfirmed something that I already knew which was the fact that you don't have balls and if you read the leaflet you would have known that the fourth robot is an obstacle for everyone to avoid and you moron everyone knows to plan ahead so if the worse comes to worse they can what was it again? Oh that's right expect the unexpected so sit your fucking robotic sonic arse down shut the fuck up and mind your own fucking business oh and Present Mic I'm sorry for that display I just made but I will say this if anyone thinks like him or are here for fame or fortune leave because a true hero would risk his or her life to save others." I said the boy and half the contestants just upped and left and the girls were trying not to laugh as well as two of the teachers (Nezu and Aizawa).

(A/N) The robots and points will be done in next chapter. Had to fix errors and change slightly sorry.

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