Chapter 15

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Strap a grenade to my head, pull out the pinMy music is mind blowin', ain't nobody do it like I do itYou ain't never been on my level, I gotta part 'em out the wayTo keep 'em talking and acting like everybody Gonna get up in a sleep with your eyes...

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Strap a grenade to my head, pull out the pin
My music is mind blowin', ain't nobody do it like I do it
You ain't never been on my level, I gotta part 'em out the way
To keep 'em talking and acting like everybody
Gonna get up in a sleep with your eyes open
You wanna know what I noticed?
I look around and my fanbase and they ready
That last album was heavy, that last album was gritty
How you gon' match that? Just let me
Do what I do best
You're better off playing Russian Roulette
Then comin' in a booth with me cause I get
A little bit intense, I'm like, "Who's next?"




As I sat there while Evander tried to dry me off, I couldn't help but think back to what I'd seen. I couldn't remember how I'd gotten in the water and what I saw with my parents, what was that?! It couldn't have been a dream. It felt so real...

Did my father really hit her? But he loved her. Anyone could see it from a mile away. Nothing made sense. I felt so lost. I didn't even want to run anymore.

"Pós tha boroúsa na eímai tóso ilíthios?!"

(How could I be so stupid?!)

"What?" Evander asked, looking up at me.

"Nothing..." I mumbled.

He was so kind to me. I looked at him as his clothes dripped in water from coming to save me. I clenched my fists. His icy blue eyes looked so concentrated on what he was doing.

No matter how much I tried, I couldn't be independent. Look at me here, crying on the floor, while a man looks after me! How would I ever prove to my family, to myself, that I could take care of myself when Evander was looking after me?! When he was taking care of me?!

My father was right. I'll never amount to anything without a man.

Evander must have noticed my tears as he looked at me.

"What's wrong?" He asked, turning me so he could see me better.

I didn't want him to see me. Not like this. I didn't want him to think I was weak.

I took a deep breath, "The whole point of me running away was to prove to my family, but more to myself, that I didn't need a man or anyone to look after me and I could do it all on my own," I scoffed thinking how stupid I was, "How can I prove to anyone that I can be independent if I can't even protect myself?!" I sighed frustratedly, standing up.

"Althea, don't beat yourself up—" he stood as well.

"Evander! I almost drowned and I don't even remember how I got here! You're always protecting me, always looking after me!" I yelled, "This whole journey all I've done it get myself and trouble, panic and cry! I'm no good at anything. All this trouble!"

I couldn't take this insanity.

"Why am I this way?! You go through all this trouble for me! So did Achilles and my mother! All because I was being a stupid little brat! All I had to do was choose a suitor to marry and have children and I couldn't do it! All my father ever wanted was for me to have a place in society!"

Evander sighed, "Althea—"

"No Evander! Who was I kidding?!" I yelled, "I'm a spoiled, rich girl! Everything has been done for me! How would I survive in the real world outside of servants and butlers?! I don't even know how to cook—"

"I don't care." He shrugged, stopping me from spiralling.

"What?" I asked confused.

He came closer to me, until he was stood right in front of me.

"I said I don't care." He grabbed my hands and held them low, running his thumbs over the back of them.

"I chose to come with you, and I want to protect you, I can't explain it. I didn't follow you for your domestic skills and let's be honest, I don't know how to cook either. You shouldn't think like this of yourself. You don't need to know how to cook every meal in the world to be independent; and your father is wrong. You came this far haven't you?" He said still not looking to my eyes. How I wished he would.


"Your father is wrong, Althea. He shouldn't force you to get married all for some shiny chair or whatever. He shouldn't force you to have kids either. You have every right to not want that. Those people you said before, they care about you, obviously, or they wouldn't bother," he finally looked into my eyes, "I, wouldn't bother trying to protect you either if I didn't..."

My heart was racing. I didn't understand what was going on or what was happening. All I knew was that I was grateful that Evander was here with me.

I stepped back, taking my hands from his. He gasped,

"Sorry, I got too close..."


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