Chapter 40

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"W-wow, Hinata, I didn't expect this from you. I'd rather not tease you."

"Y-you could never make me angry..." She smiled at him. Naruto blushed a little.

"Your Byakugan ... I've never seen one like this," said Yamato.

"I-it is quite unique..." said Hinata.

"You had to work hard to get it," said Yamato.

"Neji-nii-san helped me a lot with that."

"This might interest Danzo-sama," thought Sai. Danzo is an eye collector, as we all know very well. Yamato saw how bad their cooperation was and decided to take them to the hot springs.

"Where are we?" asked Naruto.

"In the hot springs," said Yamato.

"Yamato Taicho, you are the best-ttebayo!" Naruto said and went inside.

"Thank you very much," said Hinata.

"You don't have to be so polite, I do it for cooperation."

"I'm sorry, my father always raised me like that." Sai said nothing and went inside as well.

"I still think it will be difficult with them..." thought Yamato. Hinata went alone as the only girl. The boys went together.

"Kimochi ii!" Hinata said as she plunged into the water. But all the women were staring at her, which she didn't like, so she covered her breasts.

"After all, you have it," said Sai.

"Don't look at it!!!" yelled Naruto.

"I've already begun to doubt that you have it."

"P*nis, p*nis, p*nis, still just a p*nis! Can't you stop?!"

"You're the one who yells at the whole hot springs, Hinata-san must be pleased," said Sai. Hinata plunged deep into the water as she blushed like a tomato.

"Were they talking about Naruto-kun's..." She didn't want to think about it anymore.

"Well, Hinata is right next door..." Now something perverse occurred to Naruto.

"Naruto, I'd like to warn you that Hinata is from the Hyuuga clan. Try something and see what Neji or her father will do to you," said Yamato and left. And he immediately put a tracking seed in Sai's clothes.

"I'll kill you for what you did to Hinata-sama!!!!" Naruto imagined Neji and swallowed.

"I still want to live..." he thought. Sai also left, and Naruto stayed there last. Hinata also remained in the water. She was still ashamed. Then they both went out and put towels around them. Their clothes were upstairs because what they had with them was not clean. Coincidentally, they met in the hallway. They were both wearing only towels.

"You don't have clean laundry with you either, Hinata?" She blushed. But then Naruto looked in a completely different direction.

"They ... they are so huge!" he thought. Hinata noticed and turned her back on him.

"S-see you upstairs..." she said, running up the stairs.

"I never noticed how beautiful she was..."

"Her body is perfect..."

"Great, now I'm thinking like Ero-sennin!"

"I'm so mad at myself! Now I don't even know if Hinata or Sakura-chan is prettier!" He imagined them both in swimsuits. Hinata was shy and Sakura was angry and ready to hit him.

"L-looking at it that way, maybe Hinata is prettier." When he came upstairs, Hinata was already in her robe. Her robe was fully tightened so that her neckline would not be visible.

"Yamato Taicho, can we eat all that food?!" asked hungry Naruto and drooled. Hinata giggled.

"Just obey," said Yamato.

"My money..." thought upset Yamato.

"Y-Yamato-sensei, did you pay for all the food?" asked Hinata.

"Yes, but don't worry about it. This is also part of the mission."

"You are very kind," said Hinata. Naruto ate most of the food. He was hungry like a wolf.

"Now we split into two teams," said Yamato.

"All right, Hinata will be with me and Naruto, you will be with Sai."

"You don't mean that! I don't want to be with him!" yelled Naruto.

"Naruto, you have to get along well with Sai for this mission."

"Why should I be with a man who doesn't even want to save Sasuke?!"

"Yamato-sensei, m-maybe I should be with Naruto-kun. Cooperation is important for the mission."

"You are reasonable as always, Hinata, unlike Naruto. I also think that cooperation is important and Naruto and Sai don't get along twice. All right, you'll be with Naruto, I'll be with Sai..."

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