51 - "It's your sister... "

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(I do not own these characters )

Caution: Swearing........

Also shout out to @Fire_Lilys_18

Alex's  POV 

"Dad?" I say to the man standing at my door. 

He looks at me, a smile beginning to form on his face. He looks down at Willie's and my hands, still intertwined. His smile turns into a facial expression i don't know of yet. 

"Hello, Alexander." He says to me as he walks of to us. 

I squeeze Willies hand tighter than i was before. 

" Whos this?" My 'Father' asks me as he stands in front of us. 

"T-this is Willie, my Fiancé " I say to him. 

"Nice to meet you Willie " My dad says as he reaches his hand out to shake willies. 

Willie lets go of my hand and shakes his hand. "Nice to meet you too, Mr. Mercer." 

"Oh, please call me  Justin." 


"Dad, What are you doing here?" I ask him, a little annoyed. 

"I was hoping I could talk to you...." 

I turn to look at willie. "Hey can you go inside, I dont want you to hear whats about to be said." I whisper to him. He nods, before walking past my so called father and into the apartment. 

" What do you actually want? "I ask the man standing in front of m. 

" OK, so I need money.." 

"Is that all i am to you. A fucking ATM machine, that just spits out money whenever you need it. No! I wont lend you anymore money. Do you even know how much I've lent you ever since I was 16? " He just shrugs his shoulders. "I 'lent' you $3,000. Do you have any idea what i could have done with that money? I was going to save that into my college fund, but now I dont even have a college fund, all because of the money you said you'd 'pay back'. I have bills to pay day, I have food to buy. " He just stares at me blankly and i continue going, with tears beginning to break free from my eyes. "And after all of the things I've done for you, you send me to Gay conversion therapy, because who is love is apparently not right. " I yell at him. 

He stands there, he looks down with what looks like a guilty look on his face. 

"I-I never meant to hurt you Alex, the conversion therapy, that was all your mothers idea. And yeh, I didnt like that you were gay, but over these past few months, I've realized that it should matter what I think, I just want you to be happy. " he sighs. " Listen, your sisters very sick, and she need surgery, and pills, but i can only afford half of it. I just need like $750, thats it. " He finishes, and he looks up at me, with tears falling down his face, and onto the floor. 

"Wh-what, Wh-why didn't you tell me?" I ask him, as a tear falls from my face and falls onto ground.  

" Your sister, she didn't want you to find out, but i really wanted to tell you, but I couldn't find you, so I went and saw Emily and Mitch, to see if they had heard from you guys, but she said she didn't, and so I went to go and have lunch with Reginald's and Luke's parents to you know, catch up and see if anyone had seen them. But while we were there, we saw Luke, so I knew you had to be in the city somewhere, so i had to find you. " 

Why would Luke tell me he saw all of our parents??

" Can, I-I see her?" 

He nods his head, and as he dose some tears fall from his face. 

i wipe away the rest of my tears with the back of my hand. 

"would you uhh like to come in?" I ask him. 

He give me a small smile and nods "Yeah" 

I walk up to the door and enter the apartment to see willie standing in the kitchen, with a cup of water in front of him. 

Thank god we cleaned the apartment this morning. 

My father walks in after me and gives Willie a small smile.

We walk over to the counter, and i stand next to Willie, with his hand around my waist  behind me. My father stands on the other side of the island, and smiles at us. 

"You alright Lex?" Willie whispers to me. 

"Yeah" I whisper back to him. 

I lied, Im really anxiou right now, and everything that my dad has just told me is a bit overwhelming. 

Willie obviously notices this, so he comes up behind me and wraps his arms around me from behind, and i lean back into his embrace as he kisses the top of my head. 

" Willie?" My dad says out of no where. 

"yeah" He answers. 

"Just know, if you break my sons heart I'll break you, and trust me, I dont give empty threats." 

I hear Willie gulp out of fear behind me. I just giggle at this. 

"Well. I should get going, but I'll be back tomorrow to pick you up ALex, ok?" He says to me. 

"Yeh, sounds good, as long as Willie can come. I'll see you tomorrow. " 

"Alright fine by me, I'll be here tomorrow to pick you guys up at about what 10am. " 

He walk towards the door, and just as hes anout to open it, he turns back to face us and gives us a smile. "I'm happy and Proud of You Alex" he opens the door and exits the apartment. 

I turn around in Willie's arms and place mine around his waiste. 

"And, where exactly are we going tomorrow?" he asks me 

"we're going to see my sister" I say to him. 

He smiles down at me and places a kiss to my lips. 

He pulls away. 

"I love you Alexander Mercer."

"I love you too, future William Mercer" 

He chuckles at me and leans his forehead against mine. 


A/N ok so..... The next Chapter will be mostly Juke related, and you guys will find out the names I have picked out. 

What do you think the names will be ?????

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