39 - "Julie, is that you?"

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(I do not own these characters) 

Flynn's POV 

Graduation is in two weeks, and I'm not gonna lie, ill miss this place. 

Julie has been acting weird for the past few weeks and I don't know why. 

"Hey Luke?" I say to him as he approaches me. "Is Julie ok?" I ask him. 

"I don't know, I was actually coming to ask you the exact same question." he tells me. 

"OK, well I should probably check up on her " I say, he nods in agreement. 

We then walk away from each other, and I go and find Julie while he goes to find the boys. 

I look everywhere, the music room, the library, the school gym, but I cant find her. But there is one place I haven't looked yet, the bathroom. 

I walk in and the first thing I hear is puking. "Julie, is that you?" I ask as I head towards the sound.  its Julie, sitting on the floor next to a toilet. 

"Hey, Flynn" she drags out my name as she says it. 

"Oh my god, Julie what happened?" I ask her. 

she shrugs, "I don't know, I woke up one day and I started puking, and it was only in the mornings, and its only been happening for the past 3 weeks. " she says. 

"Wait......so you've only had this in the mornings?" I ask her. she nods. "Have you been having weird cravings lately?" I ask her. 

her eyes go wide. "No, no , no, no, no, no, no, no, no. I cant be"

she begins panicking. "Julie, calm down, just follow my breathing, ok?" she nods and takes breathes with me. she breathes in when I do and breathes out when I do as well. I then sit down on the floor next to her. 

"Have you had, you know?" I ask her. 

she sighs and then slightly nods.  "yes" she whispers. 

"Have you taken a test?" I ask her. she shakes her head and whispers out a small no. "ok, this afternoon well go to the pharmacy and buy some so you can take it and find out for sure. dose that sound ok to you?" I ask her. 

"yes." she says.

I then stand up and hold out my hands for her to take. She gives me a small thank you, and we walk out of the bathroom, just in time for last period, which we both have together. 


Julie's POV 

All lesson I cant seem to be able to focus, but luckily I have Flynn here to calm my nerves down. 

when the lesson is finally over, we exit the classroom together, and walk out of the school together, but we're stopped by both of our boyfriends.

"Hey" Luke says. Ever since that night in the garage, he cant seem to be able to form more than five sentence when he's around me. 

"hey" I say back.

"can we talk?" he asks me.

"sorry, not right now, I need to go" I say to him then walk towards the center of the city. 

Flynn walks silently beside me, and the only thing we can hear are the cars as they drive past, the traffic lights beeping as they go off and our breathing. 

we arrive at the closest pharmacy to my house and stop outside the door. 

"Can you please go and buy me some pickles, while I go and get what I need ?" I ask her. she nods her head and head off to the closest grocery store. 

I walk in and put the hood of my hoodie over my head, because I don't want people to see me. I head straight for the isle with the tests in it and grab the first one I see. I get a few judge looks as I go up to the counter and pay for it, and as I'm about to walk out the cashier speaks to me. "Hey, you alright?" she asks. I shake my head no. She sighs and walks around the counter and I look up at her, meeting her eyes. "You'll get through this, ok?" she says to me with a bright smile on her face. 

I nod and thank her. I then walk out of the store and see Flynn standing there, with a jar of pickles in her hands. "Thanks" I say to her as I approach. I stuff the tests and the pickles into the pockets of my hoodie. 

We then begin our walk to my house. We talk for a bit on the way there, then we walk up to the door and walk in. I walk up to my room and Flynn follows me. 

We reach my room and Flynn sits on my bed and I walk into the bathroom attached to my bedroom. I take the test out of the packaging and do what it says, then wait five minutes. I set my timer and start it while I leave the test on the counter and I walk out to sit with Flynn. "Five minutes" I tell her. 

She sighs and I do too. I look at my phone. 

4 minutes and 6 seconds 

I look up and take a look around my room for a bit. Then I check my phone again. 

2 minutes 

I begin to become more anxious then I previously was. "What if its positive?" I ask Flynn. 

She shrugs "I don't know Julie." she says. I look down at my phone. 

20 seconds 

I stand up and walk to the bathroom. As I open the door my timer goes off. 

I walk up to the counter and take a look. I blink a few times to see if my eyes aren't just playing with me. I begin to feel the tears huddle up in my eyes. 

I then see Flynn come in and see the test. she then hugs me. 

"It'll be ok Jule's, but you have to tell Luke ." she says to me. 

I nod then take one last look at the test seeing the two lines.....

It's positive.....


a/n......ok.......so, what did you guys think?

Random Question time..........

In the show, who is your favouite Female lead character and why? ( Carrie, Julie, or Flynn)

(for me it would have to be Flynn )

Until I met you - JATP Juke FanfictionTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang