Chapter 10

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I was woken up by the lights of dawn seeping through my silk white curtains, which softly swayed back and forth to the cold wind. I rolled out of my bed, slipped into my slippers and limped to the bathroom. A loud yawn escaped my mouth as I stretched in front of the bathroom mirror. My hair was tousled and my face looked horrific. It was if I was attacked by a wild animal.

'I look like a mess.', I muttered under my breath. I jumped into the shower and turned the cold water on. 'The skies clear today, that's good news, yesterday it was pouring.' I washed my hair with my vanilla and honey scented shampoo and conditioner and then washed my body with a rose body wash.

15 minutes later, I dried myself and walked to my closet to put my school uniform on. 'If I wear my jumper under my blazer today, will I be too hot?', I pondered for a few minutes before deciding. 'I'll just wear my blazer today.' I walked to my room feeling refreshed and calm. 'Today's going to be a good day!' I sat at my vanity and blow dried my hair. 'Hair up or down?... Down.' I brushed my hair out and accessorised it with a grey headband which matched my grey and red uniform. I then applied my usual light makeup look.

'Y/n, breakfast is ready!', my mom yelled from the bottom on the staircase.'

'Coming!', I quickly sprayed some rose perfume on and grabbed my bag. 'Did I forget anything?', scanning the room, I remembered something. 'Oh, yes, Mabuchi-kun's stuff.' I grabbed the bag with his belongings and ran downstairs.

'Goodmorning mom, what did you make today, it smells good!', I smiled as I sat down at the breakfast table.

'Oh! I made Miso Shuri with Gohan.', she said as she gently placed the plates on the breakfast table. 'Eat up.'

'Thank you, mom!', I sat down and began to eat.

'Who is that for?', my moms eyes pointed at the gift bag.

'Eh?', I was confused at first but then caught onto what she was saying. 'Oh this, it's my friend's stuff, I need to return it to him', I mumbled as I took another mouthful of my food.

'Oh, It's a him..., and is this the same friend you were
out with the other night.', a smile grew onto her face as she sat besides me.

'Don't be weird mom, and yes it is.', I slurped the rest of the soup from my bowl and quickly stood up. 'Alright i'm heading off to school now, don't be late for work! Have a great day mom!', I kissed her forehead and ran to the door to put my shoes on.

'Wait! What's his name?', my mom yelled.

'Bye, mom!', I slammed the door shut and began to walk to the train station. I dodged the question because who knows what her reaction would be. Especially because it's Mabuchi-kun, i'm pretty sure the reason my mom wanted to leave so quickly back then was because of some issues between ours and Mabuchi-kun's family.


'Keep your child away from mine!'

I remember hiding behind the door and over hearing my dad and Mabuchi-kun's arguing continuously. I remember me shaking and uncontrollably crying because I had no idea what was going on.

'Come on y/n, we are leaving', my mother said as she abruptly packed our bags and dragged me into the car.

'But what about Mabuchi-kun, he'll be all alone again. I can't leave him..', tears slowly streamed down my soft face as I slowly watched my closest friend fade away.

'Come on Y/n, don't think about this now, today's a happy day.' I arrived at the train station earlier then expected. 'Not too packed.' I sat down on a bench and waited patiently for the train whilst I listened to some music.

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