Chapter 21

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The spring break ended and it was time for school again. After that argument between Mabuchi and I, I didn't leave my house. I felt hurt and tired. Although my sister kept forcing me to go outside for some fresh air, I refused. School is going to be absolutely horrible.
'Hey, do you need a ride?' Hoshimi entered my room, as I was finishing up with getting ready. Hoshimi was going to leave to go back to work soon, which was upsetting but understandable.

'Yeah, sure.' I muttered. I didn't feel like going to school at all. 'I'll be down in a minute.' Hoshimi shut my door and I finished packing my bag. I grabbed my jacket and headed downstairs, where I grabbed my lunch that I made last night. I grabbed a fruit and toast that my mom left behind for me to eat. Whilst the toast lay in my mouth, I slipped my shoes on and locked the front door.

'You just woke up and you already look like you've had enough.' Hoshimi expressed. We both put our seatbelts on and then she began to reverse out of the garage.

'That's because I have.' I sighed and took an aggressive bite out of my fruit. 'What if I jumped out of the car whilst you were driving?' I felt numb.

'What the hell is wrong with you? You don't leave the house, you don't even come out of your room, did something happen to you or are you just going crazy?'

'Hoshimi, what am I doing wrong?' I threw my face into my hands. 'Is there something wrong with me?'

'W-what? No of course not I was only joking, I don't think your crazy!' She nervously laughed. I looked out of the window and kept my thoughts to myself.

'Mabuchi and I had an argument...' I muttered, still looking out of the window, avoiding her glance.

'Oh.. Well what was it about.'

'That's the thing I don't know.' I turned my head around to face Hoshimi who was paying close attention to the road. 'He constantly asks "Do you like him?", he's referring to Takashi, a friend from school. And it just irritates me because what has that got to do with him? I've liked him for years and now he wants to act like this?!' I let all my emotions out, not realizing that I was.

'Well-' Hoshimi tried to speak but I cut her off.

'And it's not fair because I literally see him with this girl and they seem really close so I said "Maybe you should go date her" and then Mabuchi said "Maybe I will"..' I went silent because it hurt. Knowing that he would actually do that, hurt.

'Have you ever considered the fact that he actually likes you?' Hoshimi questioned turning her head back and forth between the road and me.

'He said that he doesn't like me anymore.' I murmured and looked down at my feet.

Hoshimi let a loud sigh out, 'You two better sort yourselves out before one of you get hurt.' Hoshimi pulled into the front of the school. 'Alright I'll see later.' I unplugged the seatbelt and grabbed my stuff. 'Y/n, don't stress it your still young, If I were you I would focus on school and your grades.' She smiled.

I slightly nodded my head and waved as she drove away. Maybe she's right I should focus on my work and getting through High School! I feel a bit better now. I entered my classroom and saw the girl sitting beside Mabuchi, over exaggerating her laugh and smiling profusely. Cmon.. That is embarrassing.

I made my way to my seat avoiding any interaction with them. Yui and Takashi were already there, they were having a conversation amongst themselves. 'Morning.' I remarked, taking my stuff out of my bag.

'Y/n! Why haven't you been replying to our texts?' Yui asked placing her hands on my desk.

'Oh, um my mom took my phone so I couldn't text back.' That was a lie, but I didn't want them to worry so I thought that it was fine.

'What happened after the study session? Mabuchi literally pulled you out of the cafe, he didn't look so well either.' Yui asked. I hesitated and looked towards Takashi in hope for help, but of course he didn't catch the memo.

'Oh, nothing we just went home, my mom wanted me home early anyways so it wasn't a big deal.' Yui and Takashi have each other a look then returned to their seats.

'Bye Kou!' The irritating girl voiced as she left the classroom.

First name basis huh.. I slyly glanced over to Mabuchi who was looking down at his book. He's not being serious right? I faced towards the front again as the lesson was beginning.


'Hey, Y/n! Let's go get lunch.' Yui announced, standing beside Takashi. They seem close.. A bit suspicious..

'You guys go ahead, I have my own lunch today.' I smiled.

'Oh, alright see you around!' They both ran off to the cafeteria and I made my way to the rooftop.

So many steps, I'm not fit for this. I looked at my watch to check the time. Half an hour left of lunch. I pushed the door open with all the energy I had left; then put my hands to my knees to catch my breath. 'My god, I need to start working out.' I muttered to myself. A sudden murmur came to my ears. I turned around the corner and hid behind a wall.

My eyes widened to the sight of Mabuchi with the same girl as earlier. They seemed to be talking about something important. I observed her body behavior and it seemed to me like she was trying to get at something.

Wait.. Is she confessing to him?! Why does she look so shy?! I snooped around for a few minutes. Did he just nod his head..? I turned around and hid my body, behind the wall. My body felt weak and my heart ached. I held my hand against my chest as my surroundings slowly began to blur out.

He really doesn't love me anymore..

I managed to pick myself up and stagger to the stairway, I made my way to the bathroom, unaware of my surroundings.

'There you are Y/n!' A male voice yelled as he ran past me. I couldn't tell who it was so I kept on walking.

'Yeah, I need to go to the bathroom.' I muttered, not looking up to see who it was.

'Y/n? Are you ok?' The person spoke again and I realized it was Takashi. I looked up into his eyes and stared for a while. My eyes began to water and I buried my face into his chest and let it all out.

'I'm sorry. I'm so sorry, I let you down. I let everyone down. It hurts, Takashi, it really hurts' I cried.

'What do you mean? Wait Y/n, did something happen.' He worriedly asked placing his hand on my upper back. I held back my tears and told myself to suck it up.

'Sorry, It's nothing, I was overreacting, nothing major happened. I'm just happy that he's happy.'

'Y/n, you have to tell me who your talking about.' He pulled me away still holding onto my shoulders. 'Who's "he"?'

I forced a smile, 'No one. Look lesson is about to begin let's go.' I dragged my feet across the floor and entered the classroom, placing my head in my arms.

I think it's time to let go.

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