Chapter 9

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The rain had finally stopped when we arrived at my front door. 'Thank you for walking me home.' I slightly bowed my head to show my gratitude.

'Ah, Y/n-chan i've seen you've become much more considerate these pass few days, is this a way of telling me you like me now?', a mocking smile grew on his face.

A snicker escaped my lips, 'Don't get too ahead of yourself lover boy, i'll be back to normal tomorrow so don't except too much.' Although he was right, I couldn't let him know that.

A rhythmic ringtone came from his pocket and echoed in the quiet, isolated street. 'Hello?', he remarked as he answered the phone. A gentle yet stern voice came from the other end. 'Right now?', he questioned as he looked towards me. 'Alright i'll be there in 10 minutes.', he ended the phone call and apologized, 'Sorry Y/n-chan but I have to head home.' I could tell something was wrong by the look in his eyes when he looked away.

'Is something wrong?', I asked in concern.

He smiled at me, 'Worried about me, eh?'

'Im serious Mabuchi-Kun.'

He could tell I was bothered as he patted my head gently and reassured me, 'Don't worry it's nothing, you just go in and rest. I'll see you tomorrow.'

'Alright..', I knew something was off but it's Mabuchi-kun he wouldn't tell me anything that he's thinks would potentially get me "worried". He's been like that's since we were kids, whenever he got injured, was ill or upset he would always keep it to him self. I never understood it.

Briskly, he ran across the street, but I had remembered I still had his jacket and scarf. 'Wait! I still have your jacket and scarf.' I yelled.

He turned towards me, whilst still running,'Oh you can return it to me tomorrow! Or you can keep it.', he winked and grinned at me, then he disappeared into the distance.

'EH?!', My cheeks and ears turned rosy pink and my face began to heat up. 'This boy says the weirdest things, it's become concerning!', I muttered as I began to reach for my key.

As quietly as possible, I unlocked the door and entered my house. The hallway was dark so I assumed mom was asleep. I hooked my bag up, slipped my shoes off, but only held Mabuchi-kun's jacket and scarf in my hand, and made my way to the kitchen.

I'm starving.

I opened the kitchen door and nearly died of fear, 'Ah! Mom, I thought you were asleep?', I placed my hand on my beating chest. My was dad gone. He probably went home.

'How could I sleep when you ran out without telling me where you were going? And also at this time of night?', her eyes were swollen, I could tell she was crying a lot.

'Mom, I'm ok, I was out with a friend, I just needed to cool off a bit.'

She lightly sniffed, 'I'm so sorry honey, I shouldn't have allowed your father to come home without asking if you were ok with it..'

I walked over to her and gave her a hug, 'I'm sorry too mom, I was overreacting and was so stupid, please don't put all the blame on yourself, I know you didn't mean any harm.'

'Please don't run away ever again', she cried as she held me tighter.

'I won't, I love you mom.', I kissed her head.

'I love you too, Y/n'

'Go and get some rest it's late.'

She stood up and began to walk towards the door,'Ok you too, but before you go to bed, there's some leftover dinner in the fridge.'

'Thank you mom', I smiled

'Oh and Y/n, please talk to your father, it would mean the world to me and he really wants to speak to you.'

I hesitated for a moment, but then nodded my head. If my mom wanted me to do it, I would.

I warmed up the leftovers and ate it, before walking up to my bedroom and jumping onto my bed.

Ah! Today has been such a long day! I'm so happy to see you bed.

I snuggled my pillow and yawned.

I need to get ready for bed before I end up sleeping with my uniform and makeup on.

I plugged my phone in the charger, placed the jacket and scarf on my bed and stumbled over to my bathroom, wiped my makeup off and took a nice warm bath.

Ah! So relaxing!

After a few minutes, I got out, brushed my teeth and put my cozy pajamas on and made my way to my bed. As I sat down, I received a notification from Akari-chan.

Akari: Hey! I know it's a bit late but I wanted to ask you if we could meet up tomorrow, I have something really important to tell you!

Hm, what could it be?

Y/n: Ok! Sure, what time and place?

Akari: Great! Meet me at the massive oak tree behind the school during lunch!

Y/n: Alright, see you then ( ^ω^ ).

Akari: Bye, bye (o^^o).

I turned off my phone and laid down. Hm, must be really important if she's texting me at this time. It was becoming really late so I stood up turned my light off. Mabuchi-Kun's jacket and scarf were still on my bed. I became really flustered when so remembered what he said earlier.


"Oh, you can return it to me tomorrow! Or keep it.'


And then he winked at me after?! I'm so embarrassed.

I went back and turned the light on again. Because he kind of cheered me up today, I wanted to thank him, so I carefully place his belongings into a nice bag and wrote him an note.

To Mabuchi-Kun,

Thank you for comforting me..

Wait no that sounds weird! I rubbed it out and wrote something else.

To Mabuchi-kun,

Thank you for being there for me...
Wait, but that will make it seem as though we are a couple. I furiously rubbed it out again. Ah why is this so hard? I thought of some ideas for a good five minutes.

Aha! I have just the one!

To Mabuchi-kun,

Thank you for cheering me up that day, and for letting me borrow you jacket and scarf. I've nicely packed them in this bag for you to show you that i'm thankful. Again, Thank you.

P.S. This is the last time i'm going to be nice to you, so make the most of it! (˃̵ᴗ˂̵)
Perfect! I placed the card in a small envelope and and put it in the bag with his belongings. Carefully, I placed it on my desk, turned the light off then jumped into bed.

Ah! Finally I can get some sleep..

Automatically, my eyes closed shut and I immediately dozed off.

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