Chapter 19

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Ok, what If I just silently escape? The door doesn't seem that far away, I just need to make sure no one hears me. I began tip-toeing towards the front door as quiet as possible.

'Eh? Where are you going Y/n? You just came. Come here and greet Mabuchi,' My mom announced. I froze, my hand was on the front door's handle and my shoes in the other.

Great, just great! I placed my shoes on the floor and lingered to the living room. Mabuchi sat down on the floor, in a polite manner. I tried to contain my laughter, but I let a little snicker out. Then, my mom slapped my arm so I stopped. 'Sorry,' I muttered.
I looked towards Mabuchi, whose back of his head was facing me, smiling. Without even noticing, I began to smile as well. What the hell. Stop smiling Y/n.

'He's been waiting for you for a while now, the least you can do is say hello.' A familiar voice spoke from behind me. Wait no way, is that... I turned around and a huge smile grew on my face.

'Hoshimi?! When did you come back?' I yelled jumping into my the girl's arms.

'Ah! I just got out of the shower, get off me,' she laughed. 'Wow, sis you look different from the last time I saw you. When did you grow those?,' She said pointing at my chest. Immediately, I felt embarrassed of the thought that Mabuchi was right there listening to us.

I laughed, trying to make it seem like Hoshimi didn't just say that. 'Did you come back this morning?' I asked.

Hoshimi had a job, but it was in a different town, so I didn't get to see her often. She was someone I always looked up to because she was so strong and stood up for herself and others. It was sad to see her go, at first I hated the idea of not seeing her everyday and not being able to spend time with her whenever I wanted. But then I realized that she was growing up and had her own responsibilities, and I really looked up to that.

'I did just after you left the house. Then I met Mabuchi walking down the street, coming towards the house, he said he wanted to tell you something so I let him in,' she replied.

So he did wait all this time. It's already nearly 4pm..

'So! Enough with the chit chat amongst ourself, let's make the guest feel welcome,' Hoshimi announced, taking a seat beside Mabuchi. I followed but sat on a separate couch. 'I haven't seen you in so long. You look so handsome now. I would've stolen you if Y/n didn't like you.' Hoshimi remarked. My eyes widened and I immediately denied it.

'I don't like him anymore, we've been over this.' I snarled glaring into Hoshimi's soul, but all she did was grin and continue to speak to Mabuchi who seemed to be laughing.

I'm going to end up killings someone today.


Hours passed of Hoshimi questioning Mabuchi and mom showing him embarrassing pictures from our childhood. There were a few glances being exchanged between me and Mabuchi which made me feel uneasy. I was at my limit, so I decided to speak up. 'Oh would you look at that! It's nearly 8pm, I think it's time for Mabuchi to go!'

'Oh, I guess so-', my mom responded. I pulled him up of the chair and pushed him the door. 'Walk him to his street.' She added.

'Sure...' I was reluctant, but I had no choice. I put my hoodie on then slipped on my shoes. I headed out first and Mabuchi followed behind.

'It was great having you today, please come by anytime you want,' My mom said, handing him the bag of extra brownies. 'Please take this with you, and share it with your family.'

'Thank you. I'll be sure to come around often, if it's ok with you,' Mabuchi smiled and bowed his head down a little.

'Let's go now, It's getting dark and i'm getting cold.' I stood with my hood on and my hands in my pocket.

'Thank you for having me, i'll see soon.' He waved at my mom and then began walking behind me.

It was silent at first. I mean, what was there to talk about? I didn't want to speak first because I felt embarrassed, especially after the "you know what." I slightly glanced at Mabuchi walking behind me with his hands in his pocket looking down at the ground. This is so awkward, why does all the bad things happen to me?

'Where did you go today?' He finally spoke, which startled me a little.

'I just went to the store then sat outside for a while..', I responded, expecting something back. But he didn't say anything he just let a small "him" out. 'And what about you? What did need to talk to me about?' I asked, not turning around or stopping to see his reaction. He didn't reply, but I felt a sudden pinch holding onto my sleeve.

It made me stop my steps. I turned my head around and Mabuchi head hung low. I couldn't tell the expression on his face but the atmosphere heavy and depressing. 'Mabuchi? What's-' he cut me off with a sudden statement.

'I'm sorry Y/n. I'm so sorry. Please don't leave me alone again...' his voice seemed to me like he was in pain ,he let go of my sleeve but still kept his head down.

'W-what's wrong? Why are you apologizing?' I asked, I looked around to see if anyone was looking because I didn't want anyone the get the wrong idea.

Placing his head on my shoulder, he whispered, 'Please, let's just stay like this for a while.'

My heart rate increased immensely and I felt flustered. What is he doing to me? This weird feeling in my stomach. I hate it so much, yet I love it whenever I experience it. I whispered back into his ear.

'Ok.' I replied. 'And I promise I won't leave you ever again,' I wrapped my arms around his waistline and we stood on the isolated street in silence. Stars filled the night sky like snowflakes. I felt warm and safe as we embraced which felt like eternity.

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