Chapter 12

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Sensei announced that the lesson was beginning so Takashi faced forwards as if he didn't just say the most embarrassing thing ever. I tried to cover my flustered face by turning to the side. But then, my eyes caught up with Mabuchi-kun's. I couldn't tell what he was thinking about or feeling, he just looked at me, expressionless. I quickly turned back towards the front, trying to avoid him.

I need to stop getting distracted.

I read my book, trying to forget about what just happened. It wasn't long until it break came around. I stood up and began to leave the classroom before someone called out my name.

'Y/n! Wait for me!', I saw Takashi-kun quickly packing up his stuff and running towards me.

'Is there something you need?', I asked.

'Yes actually.', he slightly rubbed the back of his neck and looked away. 'Can you give me a tour around the school..?', he mumbled.

'Oh, did sensei ask me to do that?'

' I just wanted you to do it', he looked completely embarrassed.

Hmm, let me tease him a bit.

I grinned and turned towards him. 'Nah, I don't want to.' He looked up at me in surprise. He then bowed his head down and said,

'Oh, I'm sorry..', he looked extremely hurt.

'Wait! It was a joke! I'm sorry, i'll take you on a tour right now!', I placed my hand on his shoulder, attempting to comfort him. All of a sudden, he grabbed my hand and pulled me closer to him. I could feel the warmth of his hand as he gently held mine.

'That was a joke too.', he smirked at me as my heart beat faster.

I stomped on his foot causing him to yell and whine in pain.

'You're so mean Y/n-chan!', he cried.

I giggled as I patted his back and told him he will be fine and to stop acting like a baby.

A ear-piercing bang bellowed behind us, causing me to flinch and Takashi and the rest of the class to go quiet. I looked over to see Mabuchi-kun's fists clenched on the table. The whole class looked at him in shock, causing him to leave the room. I watched as he walked past me with rage plastered all over his face. What just happened? I stood there in shock before Takashi noticed and asked me if I was going to take him on a tour.

'Uh, yeah we'll get going now, but break is finishing in 20 minutes so I'll have to be quick.', I walked ahead of Takashi-kun and began the tour.

Break came towards an end and surprisingly, I finished the tour on time. We arrived at the gym because it was our next lesson.

'Thank you, Chibi-chan! It was fun hanging out with you!'. he offered me a sweet smile in return of giving him the tour.

'Stop calling me that. Go and get dressed for gym class! You have you're kit don't you?'

'Yeah I do, Chibi-chan.', he patted my head before running of to the boys changing room.

That boy is a handful, ehh but I admit he's fun to have around.

I made my way to the changing room and went to my locker. As I opened it, I saw a black haired girl with purple eyes which glowed, struggling to open her locker door, which was beside mine. I offered her a hand, 'Hey, do you need help?'

'Oh, Yes please! My locker door won't open I think it's broken.', she looked up at me.

'Oh, don't worry it's not broken, this happens to me all the time but this broke school won't fix it.' I moved over to her locker and pushed the lock up with force, causing it to open. 'You see, you just have to put a lot of work into it.'

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