Chapter 24

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His hand still gripped onto mine as we made our way down the street. The rain still poured and streetlights began to turn on. My mind was blank and my vision blurred, but the only thing that was clear was Mabuchi. His hand felt cold, but I felt safe. Not once did he turned back to look at me. I thought that maybe he would be irritated. But about what?
I kept silent and followed him.

After a few minutes of walking, We ended up in the middle of an empty street. Mabuchi let go of my hand and stood, back faced towards me.

'You promised that you wouldn't leave me again.' He mumbled, face down to the ground which was covered in rain.

'I didn't leave you, Mabuchi. I just distanced my self-' I was cut off by him walking towards me and grabbing my wrist.

'I don't want you to distance yourself from me.' His voice was low and quiet, but stern. 'I want to always see you, whether you smiling, crying, confused. I don't care, I want you to just be there. Your presence is enough to make me feel joy. Every little thing you do, I want to be able to see it and cherish.' His eyes desperately kept looking at mine.

I didn't know what was going on, but I felt a lump in my throat. I was hoping he was saying what I was thinking.

'Every day, since you left, I thought about you all the time. When I woke up in the morning, I wondered if you were eating well. Every night, I wondered if you were asleep yet. During the day, I would constantly think about. I've always wondered what you were doing when you left. Now I want to know everything you've been doing.' He paused for a moment. 'I want to know you better and make you the happiest person in the world.'

My eyes began to water. 'What are you trying to say? You've-'

'I like you.' he voiced, placing his head, gently on my shoulder. 'I love you. I love you so much, it hurts.'

The tears that I've been trying to hold back, began streaming down my face. My vision was blocked from a build up of tears and my lips slightly trembled. 'You idiot. Why is it that only you makes my heart hurt like this?'I gripped onto the back of his shirt and pulled for a hug. Despite the fact it was raining, It felt warm and safe in his arms.

'I love you too.' I whispered in his ear. His embrace tightened. 'Please treat me well.'

His cold hand gently cupped my numb face. 'I promise, I will.' Slowly, his face moved closer to me, leaning in for a kiss. His lips tenderly pressed onto mine and I felt relieved. A sudden swarm of happiness waved over me. Pulling away, he wiped the tears off of my face. 'You're such a crybaby.' We both laughed.

'I'm cold, let's go.' I remarked, walking ahead. 'My house is close so we'll just go there.'

'Are you sure that's ok?'

I nodded my head. 'Why wouldn't it be?' I held his hand. 'Also you're soaking wet and I don't want you to get a cold.'

'On second thoughts maybe i'll stay in the rain, so you can take care of me when i'm sick.' He paused in the middle of the street.

'Shut up. Let's go.' I pulled his hand, causing him to laugh. My face heated up. Cmon. Really y/n? You get flustered from a laugh?

Mabuchi and I walked side by side the rest of the walk home.


'The lights are off so my mom and Hoishimi are probably asleep.' I placed my keys on the counter and entered the living room. 'I'll get you some spare clothes, you can have a shower. The bathroom is to the right.' I searched through the drawers for some clothes, before Mabuchi grabbed my arm and walked me towards the living room. 'Wait, I need to get you some clothes or else you'll catch a cold.' He sat down on the floor and pulled me down.

'Warm me up then.' He embraced me as I sat in between his legs. His arms were wrapped around me and his head lay on my shoulder. 'Your hair smells nice.'

'Don't smell my hair, that's weird. Also, you have to change your clothes.' I tried to get up but I couldn't, he held me tight.

'Let's just stay like this for a few minutes.' he muttered. 'I want to make sure that you won't leave me alone.'

My eyes widened to the thought of losing him again. I was going to make sure that never happens again. 'Ok, I'll stay like this for a few minutes.'
'Hey, Y/n.'


'Say my first name.' he whispered in my ear. That sentence was enough to make my heart race like crazy.

I hesitated before mumbling, '..Kou..' I felt his arm wrapped around me tighter.

'My heart is racing really fast right now.' he announced.

'Wait are you blushing?!' I rapidly turned my head around to see, but he blocked my eyes. I tried to move his hand away, but he ended up kissing me.

'You don't need to see.'

Those, "few minutes" turned out to be the whole night. We both ended up sleeping on the living room floor. I woke up to a blanket, that wasn't there before, placed on both Mabuchi and I. I turned to look to see if he was awake, which he was.

'Idiot. You said a few minutes, now look at what happened.'

'Sorry, Princess.' He chuckled, his smile what wide and bright. It made me laugh too. I noticed him glancing at me with a straight face.

'Is there a problem?' I asked.

He nodded his head. 'No, I'm just admiring you.'

'Stop being weird...' I turned out to look out of the window.

'I'm being serious.' He remarked. 'I found you.'

Y'all, this is the last chapter 😔. I'm probably gonna do some side stories aswell but I don't know. I just wanted to thank everyone who read this fic. ILY SO MUCH 😋

I'll probably make a new fic later on in the future, but yeah. THANK YOU GUYS SO MUCH FOR READING AND ILL SEE YOU NEXT TIME IG⁉️

Hope you enjoyed the chapter!!

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