Part 12

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I looked at the retreating figure of him. He closed the front door before leaving. The two gunman saluted him and I don't know his reaction, because I am facing his back.

Alone in this home. What should I do. If I were with my parents, that was too fun. Mom, Pappa, Naina and Noora. I am missing them terribly. Unknowingly a drop of tear escaped from my eyes. My throat is paining because I am holding my tears. I need to cry, cry my soul out. Cry out load. My face is heated up, my eyes are burning.

I ran to the bedroom and jumped on the bed and cried. Cried out loud. There is no one here, no one will know that I cried. I am pretty sure I can't hold these tears anymore.

Like the rain stopped, I wiped my tears. Smiled at my own reflection on the mirror. "Why parents want to marry off their daughters? " I asked to my own reflection.

It is my life, I want to live happily. May be Ayaan too forced for this marriage. Just a minute, didn't he said to try on this marriage. What does he means? Do he really want this marriage work? I need to talk to him wholeheartedly. He is a complete stranger for me and vice versa.

I don't want anyone to identify that I cried. What to do? Eyes are too puffy. Face is looking so heavy and full red. This colour is killing me.

Whenever I am at home, after fighting with Papa I cried everytime but at the beginning I thought no one will understand that I cried. But I was wrong, this red face and puffy eyes told untold stories to everyone. That makes me realise each time, how much I make my mom worried.

I will talk to Ayaan today and solve every thing, I want him to understand that I need time. Time to accept a relationship. I am not a easy going person to make friends quickly. I need time for everything.

I took my phone and found his number from the call log list. After selecting his number I decided to add name.



Ooooppzz. That sound so cringe. Blah.. Feel like nausea. I wiped both the names and added,

Scary cat Ayaan

Is it fine? No it is not. What will he think when he found this. Sound so stupid right. Anyway I deleted this name too and typed,.

Scary cat.

It is best. What will he think or not, that is not my concern. It is not me who married him, it is he who married me. So he need to tolerate. I smirked. My mind got alarmed after finding the charge, it is only 15%. Need to charge  the phone and call mom.

Am I supposed to call him? If I call him, what will I say. Ignore it. I searched for my charger in my bag and found it. After connecting the charger my phone started ringing. It is Ammi.


I found myself on the bed with heavy breathing. Prithvi and Aman is near to me. They are asking something, but I am not getting anything.

I got an electric shock.

"Are you fine Madam" One of them asked

"Yes, I am" I give them an assuring smile.

"Do you want to go to hospital madam" This madam is killing me.

"No, I am totally fine. " I told them by shivering inside.

"Do I need to call sir, madam" Again.

"No need and don't call me by madam. It sounds like I am aged"

"Mrs Samsushudheen, is it fine" One of them asked. I rolled my eyes, madam was better.

I nodded my head as no.

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