Part 15

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Neha  POV

I have an interview today, I decided to leave home when he leaves for job. Since for admission guardian is compulsory, so I called Mom but disappointingly she said to ask my husband and accompany him with me. Never in my dreams I thought that Mom will say something like that very easily.

For no other way I asked Ayaan but for my disappointment he don't have to go to work. And he said that he will accompany me those stupid gunman will be around me for whole my college life. He is insane, after all today is a day for dissapointing me.

I am waiting for him to come, he asked me to wait for him. I am not very close to him. But he is acting like a parent. I shrugged off my thought when he came back wearing a white shirt and blue pants. Rolling the sleeves of the shirt, he is definitely handsome. Don't mind him Neha, I scolded myself.

"Come." He smiled.

While sitting on the car he looks at me with a question mark. I noticed that I didn't wear seatbelt. I put it on immediately before letting him do so.

After all he is police and he likes rules. Those I barely cares.

"Do you know driving? " He asked while taking something from his pocket

"Yeah, who doesn't know that. " Only me know how I learnt driving despite the opposition from dad.

He placed his pistol on the dash. My eyes popped, does he going to blackmail me?

"Why....? " My voice is shaking. I pointed the pistol.

"It's for our safety. Be cool. " I sighed and he started to drive.

"Neha, you don't need to be uncomfortable around me. Just talk like a friend to me. " He said while looking on me.

"Concentrate on road. " For safety keeping pistol and not looking on the road.

"Ayaan... The truth is I don't mingle with everyone so easily." I said the truth.

"If anything bothering you, then tell me. Consider me like your friend Divya.. "

"The thing is.... " Should I share with him? "Yesterday I slept without covering by a duvet. But today morning I found a duvet covering me and PinkY is missing. It is found on the table. "

"Pinky.. " He asked..

"Not Pinky.. It is Pink Y. Pronounce the Y alone at the last. "

"Oh.. Pink Y. " At least he got the word..

"It is my teddy bear. I can't sleep without cuddling it. " His lip formed a smile when I said this.

" I don't know Neha, if you are afraid you can sleep on my room. " He suggested but that smile is not leaving his lips.

"No thank you. I am courageous enough. " Even though I am scared, I don't show him that I am scared.


After having an interview mam asked me to meet her with my guardian who is unexpectedly mt husband.

"Mam is calling you. " I informed him who was busy in playing candy Crush. He is a child or what? Even my younger sister Noora is matured than him, she quitted Candy crush a long ago and now addicted in free fire game.

He stood up and walk with me.

"You... Ayaan...Ayaan Samshudheen. ? " Mam called him. Don't tell me that she already know him. Don't make my college life a hell.

"Oh. Yeah. How you know me? " He asked. Is he some celebrity for her to know.

"Three years back you investigated a murder. " She reminded him.

"I remember now. How are you Mam? " He asked. Did he forget me. I am standing here for my admission process.

"Fine dear. Is she your wife. " At last some one get me..


I walked before him and stand in front of car. I am offended.

"What happened? " He asked.

"You should not have told her that I am your wife. "

"Don't  tell me that you are planning to flirt with someone one else. " I glare him.

"I want to known as myself, neither as someone's wife nor as someone's daughter. "

"Neha, you are now in your post graduation. First complete the course and do job. Then you know as yourself. Before getting into CBI, I was too known as my father's son and IAS officer's brother. That's quite natural.

Suddenly a black car passed us, it was about to hit us. Ayaan was quick to react, he dragged me back. A man on the passenger seat looked us raising his second finger. It was like a warning.

Ayaan unlocked the car immediately and opened door for me. After I get inside, he ran to the driving seat and sit down.

My heart is still beating enough for me to hear.

He called someone and informed the vehicle number. He is truly brave and smart.

"Was that your enemy? " I asked.

He looked at me for sometime and replied, "yes."

"When would  your college open? " He diverted the topic.

"After two months. " My reply make him took a sigh.

He started the car and stopped after a while. Seems like he is parking in front of  a shop.

"Stay here, I will be soon. " He ran away before allowing me to reply.

Like he said he returned within five minutes holding a packet. He handled to me.

"Open it" He ordered but his eyes are still on the road..

I opened and found a watch.

"I have enough watch. " I protested.

"It is smart watch. You can call via this "

"But I already have a phone for calling. "

"Can't you accept at least one thing in the sake of our friendship? " He asked.

I looked at him unbelievably and nodded my head.

"Wear it always when you go outside or inside the house. " This is bit a suspicious.

"Can you tell me the real reason. If not I won't wear it. "

"Its for your safety. It will give me your location. " He finally said and I agreed. After all he has so many enemies.

I looked at him. It is first time I am looking at him like that. He really care for me? Can someone care for other just by a new bond of relationship?

My chain of thought got disturbed by my phone call.

"Enough of admiring me, attend the call. " Did he know.... I face palmed myself and attended the call.

"Noora, tell me. "

"We will come tomorrow. "

"Really.. " I can't tell how happy I am. I was missing them terribly.

"Who all will come? " I asked with the same excitement.

"Me and Naina. " She is shouting there. "Ask bhai to bring chocolates, ice cream... And what do you want Naina? "

"I want sandwiches. " Naina completed.

"Oh sure. I will tell him. But what will you give me. Visitors without gifts are not allowed. " I giggled and I found Ayaan smiling.

Sorry for the late update.

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