part 5

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Neha pov

Days passing so quickly I taught my mind to accept the marriage wholeheartedly. Because I have no choice other than to marry the scary cat.

The thought of leaving my home and my family makes me sad. But as everyone says one day we need to leave our loved ones.

I was caressing my bed, I am going to miss this.  Suddenly Naina and Noora get into my room.

They came and walk there and there.  I felt some spelling mistake in them.  Something is fishy.

"What are you doing here? ". I asked

"Jeeju "
Came the reply from Naina and Noora respectively. Naina speaks before thinking, unlike Noora.  Noora tells everything and then only she realizes what had she done.  She smacked at her head.

I raised my eyebrow

"Nothing di,  we searching..... if you are admiring jeeju's photo " when did they learn to tease me.

"Me and admiring him.  How stupid your thoughts are you idiots "I rolled my eyes. basically, he is so handsome and sometimes I took his photo and admire him.  But I will not show that to them.

"Di jeeju is so smart and fun. He talked with us and treated us as his sisters.  We are in heaven nine because we got a brother "Naina said.

He snatched my sisters love from me.  You scary cat,  you are going to see me.  But I am glad that he treats them as his own sister.

He has the only problem with me scary cat.

I smiled at them. They hugged me one by one and said I am so lucky.

The day after tomorrow is my marriage.  My parents advised me to do that and don't do that.

"Are you eager to send your first child off" I started my drama?

Noora giggles and Naina narrowing her eyes.

"Please send her fast then I will be your elder child "Naina smirk

"Naina don't stab the dead body " she chuckles

"After she leaves we will get separate rooms " Noora jumped.

I have my own room bit poor Noora and Naina need to share the bedroom.  It is not like there is no room but mom insisted they stay in one. For all Noora is small. Once mom said that noora will get a separate room after I got married. 

I had slept with my teddy bear. But from the 3 of us, Naina is somewhat mature than us. She doesn't need a teddy to sleep. Noora too needed. We two are the same.  Dad and mom call us drama queens. Naina doesn't afraid to watch horror movies,  but me and noora...

"For. everyone listens to dare to enter my room. when I am not here. " everyone laughed at me but I am threatening them...

"Mom and dad may I ask you one thing," I asked.  They approved me to go on and then I continued "is this the first proposed and why you agreed instead of looking some more.  My friend's parents are looking for the alliance for half of the year "

"What do you think of your parents?  We are searching for a groom for a year.  We don't want this to affect you.  So what we kept silent.  We only like Ayaan and we are guarantee that he will look after you better than us " they said.

For some moments I kept silent.  I don't know what to do.  I misunderstood my parents. But they are nice. Unknowingly tear of happiness ready to escape from my eyes.

"So that's that.  I was investigating you.  You kept murmuring for the last 2 months.  When I keep hidden and hear what are you saying you perfectly change the subject and after all papa didn't give me your phone.  So my theories are right " Noora laughed as she won.

"We knew you are behind our back" mom showed her teeth to her.

"Mom I think we should make her some investigation officer. We can live peacefully after her death " Naina said and Noora gritted her teeth.

"Don't say like that Naina,  anyway she is our younger one. If she dies who will gonna taste your new dishes " I showed my tongue to Naina

I and Naina started 

"Stop you two,  I will complain to my jeeju and he gonna teach you a lesson "by saying so she left

This is her last dialogue nowadays.  She will gonna tell to her jeeju. But she doesn't know that he is a scary cat

I am going to miss my family.

The scary cat have an instagram account and he is a friend with Divya,  Naina and Noora but not with me.  He didn't request on Instagram nor FB. He is really afraid of me.  The thought makes me feel cool.

I dialled Divya,

"Div,  don't you come tomorrow," I asked

"Of course,  I will come tomorrow morning.  You know what your would be's house is painting to welcome you "she giggled.

"Except him, his family is eager to meet me "

"Div,  everyone is his friend on insta.  Why doesn't he send a friend request to me " o complained

"If you need I will ask him"

"Nooooo,  don't do that.  I am just asking.  He may be afraid of me. " I laughed.  "I need to study some karate too to make him afraid more " div laughed uncontrollably

"My Neha,  he isn't that afraid. Do you know the fight with some men who are disturbing and harassing girls here?  He very well knows to fight.  So drop your idea of karate " she continued to laugh.

"Are you on my side or him " I cut the call?

The marriage didn't happen but everyone is on his side.  Then what will happen after the marriage?

An unknown tension gradually popped into my mind.  I am a girl who didn't like boys much.  Because my relatives remind our parents that you have girls bit I have not much worry because we have a son.

Boys can go anywhere,  can hang out with friends even at night time.  They don't need to do house chores.  Most of them their mother pampered them more. My friend once said that from everything in their home there is a partiality.  Her mom gives her special food small piece and her brother a big piece.

After all, boys don't need to tolerate the monthly torture and labour pain. They can flirt and have affairs no problem. But when a girl has these,  the situation is worse.

I the movies though they showman who has an ex-girlfriend or ex-wife.  But in the case of women, it is rare.

I finally decided to read arrange marriage books on Wattpad. So I finally decided one thing. " I am not gonna sleep on the couch. I will sleep only on the bed " I laughed

Mr scary cat Ayaan your days are counting.


How is the story going?. Don't worry after their marriage it will be more interesting. 💖

Dont worry i will make them marry in the very next update😜

Dont think that neha is always frustrated any girl in her sense react like her when her parents suddenly came with a proposal and decided the marriage in the same month without asking her approval or not even let them talk each other. How will you react when you are in the same place as neha?

I changes the description of the story. Have a look and tell me how it is.

If someone got nice title for this story please suggest me

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With lot of love

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