Part 25

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Neha POV

Feeling uncomfortable I am turning, moving and doing everything and finally found my PinkY. Placing my head on it will always be good. But...

Suddenly I opened my eyes only to meet his. Am I hugging him?

Why he didn't sleep? He is looking at me with open eyes and a teasing smile. I am trapped.

I slowly turned my head before shaming myself much, but to my disappointment, he catches my hand and turned me to him.

"What were you doing? " He asked. But his messy hair looks so hot.

"Sleeping." I gasped. How one can be this much hot.

"Are you sure? " He asked again with a teasing smile. Sometimes he has dimples when he smiles naturally. It's so cute.

"Where are you looking? Don't tell me that you have some motives. " He said while waving his hands over my face.

"Motive, me? And to you? " I asked. I have to cover this or else, no way.
"Sorry, Ayaan I think I mistook you for my PinkY. Please go to sleep. " I turned around immediately and breathe heavily.

It is not good. What if I hug him next time? Neha? How can you stare at the scary cat's face? Smacking my head I took my blanket.

"Who is the one build pillow border. " If there is any teasing competition Ayaan surely get the first price without any doubt.

Taking the blanket again and rolling it over me I hugged PinkY again.

"Stop it Ayaan. Just go to sleep. I won't mistake you again. " There is no more humiliation than this.

"I won't mind if you mistook me again. " He murmured. Did he actually say that? Maybe I heard it wrongly.

Closing my eyes tightly I prayed not to make me hug him again. Slowly sleep overtook me.

The next day I woke up and not found PinkY anywhere. Where did it go? Then I found it near my foot. Oh! I should have hit it in my sleep. Placing it on my pillow, u get up to do some morning duties.

I walked to the kitchen to help Ayaan. Since we can't tolerate any more spies, we decided no to bring any more servants. So I have to do one of my nightmares, kitchen duties.

"Good morning Ayaan. " I greeted him.

"When did you wake up? "

"Just now, why didn't you wake me up. I should have helped you. " I said while taking a piece of chapati he cooked it now.

"It tastes nice. " I smiled.

"If so then make the curry. I will make chapati. " He got me.

"Sure." Even though I don't like it, I can't say no. How can I make him suffer alone?

"Where did Fahad gone? " I asked while cutting the vegetables.

"He has some meeting. "

"I am pretty sure it is one of his ideas to escape from cooking." I laughed.

"I am sure for this. " He joined my laugh.

"You two brothers have government jobs and Fahad? Is he too practising for UPSC test? "

"No, he wants to do business. He says that he can't work under someone. He wants to be the boss of his own empire. That's why arguing with parents he came here. "

"That's pretty cool. I am so proud of Fahad. He wants to take risks. "

"What about your siblings? " He asked.

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