part 1

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"Neha" mom called me

"Yes mommy"

I am Neha, yes Neha Farooq khan. I am the elder daughter of Mrs Laila Farooq khan and Mr Farooq khan. I have 2 younger sisters Naina and Noora.

As usual today I wake up and did my daily routine. It's only a quarter to 10.

"Neha gets ready soon" it's mom who is calling me. But I don't know where are we going to get ready no one told me anything that we are going somewhere.

"Mommy, where are we going" I went to the kitchen and ask my mom.

"We are going nowhere but we have guests today" she replied

"Guests! Who is coming and why should I get ready?" I am totally confused.

"You should look great, so get ready " she commanded

"Mommy don't you know I am a lazy girl, I am not going to get ready. Why should I get ready? Are they coming to see me" I laughed

"Exactly dear. A proposal had come. So they need to see you" pappa said.

"But I am not ready for marriage" I shouted.

"Marriage is not today so don't worry" he replied sarcastically.

"I am not going to see the so-called boy and I am not going to marry. Are you these much eager to send me off? Are you really my parents ?" I asked with all my frustration.

Pappa's phone is ringing.

" Laila it is them ask her to get ready" he ordered and gone.

I sighed! It's my matter at least they need to ask me.

"Neha please get ready" she almost pleaded.

"Didn't I tell to you that I would only get married after getting a job. And what's the rush?" I asked.

"People were saying, it's good enough to send at least one of the 3 girls," mom said

"Am I a burden to you" I feel miserable, I will break down at any time.

"No... it's all people saying" mom replied.

"People and the damn society" I shouted. " I want to know who is feeding me my parents or the so-called society," I asked without lowering my voice even a bit.

"Neha low your voice" it's again dad. Damn this man. It has no problem if a man says with high sound but it's not appropriate for girls.

I rolled my eyes.

"We need to hand over your responsibility. I am a middle-class man and I can't feed you all your life and what about your younger ones" he asked.

" I am only your responsibility?" I asked.

" girls should marry off at the early age better," he said

"And what about boys," I asked.

" they are boys and you are a girl" he replied. Boys boys and boys. Every time he remembers me that I am a girl.

"What's my problem that I born as a girl. Did I asked and begged you to born as your daughter. Why didn't you killed me when I born" I asked. I want to tell you it's not my problem but your chromosome problem, If that was a Y then these problems must haven't occurred. But how can I make understand this uneducated man? I sighed.

" Laila it's all your problem you make her talk like this to me. I am her father. How can she talk like this to her father? I am a man who knows to handle things and decision makings. I decided to send her off" he shouted at the top of his sound.

I don't like whenever he blame all things on my mom. If he shouts at the top. of his voice then no problem, the problem is a girl cant shout. Who made these rules.

" Laila it's you who make her like these. Didn't I said girls don't need to study but you said she needs and when I am about to get admission to government school you were stubborn for private school. Didn't you get enough? It's all problem of education. girls should not argue back it's you who make her talk like these. Girls should go to a room and cry silently. It's all your fault, Laila. I trusted you and handover her to you to look after but what did you do. I was working in other states for your daily need irrespective of my needs" he continued his talking and not give time for my mom to explain.

" It was me who talk things, not my mom. I too have my own personality and I am not a kid to stay quiet I will tell my opinion " I said.

"it's you who make her like these," he said pointing to my mom.

" Neha, please at least for my sake and your younger ones get ready and see the groom" he pleaded.

I have no words to say at the most miserable moment. If I say anything back it will become a thunder to my mom. All blames come to my mom. What's her fault. If I didn't see the so-called groom. Groom my foot.. it will somewhat affect my younger ones education.

" Okay, I agreed. And I need to talk to the boy. I only marry after I get a job" I said.

"Jobs are waiting for you" he gives a sarcastic reply and went out.

Mom gives me a salwar suit but I love jeans and shirts anyway. I wear the salwar suit and covered my hair with its shawl. Wear eyeliner. I don't want to make my mom embarrassed.

It's great today my sisters are not at home or else they too argue with dad. Najmi is studying ba history and she wants to become an IAS officer. I asked her to choose other fields my she was stubborn after 10th. Only I knows what our dad planning to get her to marry off after her degree. But she trusts dad and said he will allow her for IAS UPSC coaching and her all belief is in me. Because I marry late there is a chance for her to marry late like me. She is gone for a college tour only come after two days.

Noora is in the tenth standard. Like everyone, she too believes that tenth is the turning point of life and I too told her like these. Or else she won't study hard. She is gone for tuition class.

You guys think that dad had the only problem with me and mom but not true. He is in the hardship of his life but never turned back whenever we ask anything. He bought us anything and love us and most as relatives say pamper us.

But when it comes to the matter of girls. He shows male dominance. He always thinks the man is great and women have no brain. Like these. He hears what all man say but nowhere hear what we say about our marriage. He flows with society. He believes girls should have married off early and clear the responsibility then live happily. He always tensed that will we run away with some boy. That's the matter we don't like. Always blame mom for nothing. Always blame moms family too. I don't know whether I like my father or not. Whenever I start to like him he makes a new problem and my like for him get replaced with hate.

"Neha come downstairs dear" dad is calling. Seem like they had come to end my 21 years of freedom.

I plastered a smile on my face and walk downstairs to save my mom from humiliation.


Friends how is it. Yesterday night this plot came to my mind. I don't know whether you love it or not.

Stick with updates to know more about Neha and her so-called groom.

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