Part 22

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Neha POV

"What? Jogging, defensive class and work out? " I exclaimed after his detailed explanation.

"You have to learn everything, that's compulsory. " He demanded.

Why did I get married to him for working out.

"But, Ayaan.. I don't think it's essential. I am strong enough to defend too." Why he is so stubborn.

"So from tomorrow, that's your morning schedule. " He exclaimed.

"Don't feel bad, but... Don't you have work to do? You are always in home. " Seriously I don't find him gone to office for work.

"I work from here... That's.. " He rubbed his hair.

"You mean work from home? "

"Exactly! Your coach will join you. " He said and about to walk away.

"I thought, it will be you who train me. " I thought the same.

"Ummm... I don't trust myself, it will be best if some trained one train you. My colleague Arsha is the best one. "

His colleague. Oh , I didn't think that I am that much charming that's why he can't trust himself. He is so shy and scared of my action. I found myself giggling.

But why should I think like that? Whatever. By the way, did he walk away?

Since yesterday I promised him for kitchen help, so I walked to Fahad's room. His whole concentration on his mobile.

Not to forget, he is female version of Noora, clearly knows how to escape.

"Fahad." I smiled at him.

"Tell me Neha. " He smiled without looking at me but on the phone.

Without any second I snatched his phone and ran to kitchen. He is following me with shouting, "Neha, that's a rank game and mike is on. "

"Sorry, that's not a problem. " I giggled and run fast to kitchen. I have to give it to Ayaan.

"Ayaan." I screamed and he turned immediately. Having no balance I collided to his body and he moves back until he hit the kitchen slab. I am holding his phone tightly.

After panting I looked at myself, my hands are hugging his neck. Awkward! What must he think about me?..

"Neha, you shouldn't make me follow you only to witness your affection with my bhai. " Way more embarrassing.

Smiling at Ayaan lightly, I stand with a distance from him.

"my phone." Hearing from Fahad, Ayaan took phone from my hand and placed it on his pocket.

"I will give you of you help us on kitchen. " Even though Ayaan is scary cat. Fahad is afraid of him.

"Ok" He replied helplessly.  Then we began to cook. I am in charge of vegetable cutting and they for cooking.

Not forget to say Ammi teach these two men very well about the basic things. Yeah, they are cooking so well. Fahad is lazy to cook, that doesn't mean he don't know how to cook.

"I noticed from yesterday, why you always prefer cutting vegetables rather than cooking. " Ayaan asked.

"Actually, whenever I cook something, there will be burning on my body. Last year too. So I decide to stay away but limit to cutting." Even though me and Ayaan know from few days, we are not that comfort to talk each other. Me, who is bored have no other option other than talking with him.

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