For Your Own Good

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Sheriff Hutton Castle, September 1483,

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Sheriff Hutton Castle, September 1483,

Marian and Lisbet watched on happily as Edmund rode Galahad around the courtyard of Sheriff Hutton castle where the royal family were to stay while the King dealt with business he had to attend to in York.

The Queen had managed to convince her husband to let her accompany him on his journey and, with them, their two eldest children as she had said 'it will be good for the people to see their soon to be Prince of Wales and eldest Princess, Richard. It is also time that the children become accustomed to being in public' and with that she had managed to win him over.

Marian had left Anne in London, for she trusted no one else to take care of her children in her absence and her friend had eagerly agreed, promising fervently that the children would not come to any harm while the King and Queen were away.

So, the royal party departed London for York and Sheriff Hutton in early September, though it took longer than expected to reach the city for there were many in the villages and towns that the royals stopped to rest in over night that wished to pay homage to their new King and Queen; assure them of their undying love and loyalty.

Once in York, Richard had been swept up by all the duties he had to attend to, often arriving back at Sheriff Hutton tired and wanting nothing more than to go to bed with Marian in his arms which she was more than happy to do.

"Look mama!" Edmund cried with a grin as he nudged the white palfrey into a canter and Marian applauded him.
"Well done, Ed! You are a fine horseman indeed!"
"When can I have a go, Eddie?" Lisbet called out "you know that I do want to ride Galahad too and you have kept him to yourself all morning!"

"Now now, ma chérie" Marian chided gently "have patience, your turn will come...besides, from what your father has told me, you shall not have to compete for Galahad with your brother for long for you are to have your own horse!"

Lisbet looked up at her, now excited as she gasped, her hands clasping together.

"Really? I am to have my very own horse?"
"Yes! You are! You are a Princess now, Lisbet, it is expected that you should have your own steed"
Lisbet sat up straight, fantasising on what her horse would be like, absentmindedly playing with her necklace, rolling the cross around her fingers. Would it be white like Galahad or perhaps a velvety midnight black? Perhaps it would be like her mother's, a fine chestnut or maybe like her father's which was a soft grey?

The young girl decided that any colour would do, as long as the horse was hers, that was all that mattered, and she found herself grinning again as she thought of the prospect, watching Edmund, now galloping, around the well and leant against her mother who immediately put an arm around her shoulders, resting her head upon her daughter's.
"I love you very much, Lisbet" Marian whispered "I hope you know that..."


Standing on the steps of York Minster, Richard and Marian listened to the petitions that were being presented to them, longing to return to Sheriff Hutton, while Edmund and Lisbet played a game of Jacks with Harry and Lord Stanley in an unused chamber to occupy themselves, although Marian heartily disapproved of the latter being there. She didn't want Thomas Stanley to have anything to do with her children but couldn't seem to make her husband understand that no matter how hard she tried.

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