Pleasure in Paradise

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As the towering walls of Middleham castle came into view, Marian's heart leapt and she found herself smiling brightly, looking across to her husband who looked completely relaxed for the first time in what seemed like an eternity

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As the towering walls of Middleham castle came into view, Marian's heart leapt and she found herself smiling brightly, looking across to her husband who looked completely relaxed for the first time in what seemed like an eternity.

She then turned to the other side and saw her children beginning to nudge their horses into faster paces, until they were galloping and sped ahead of their parents.

"I'm going to beat you all!" Lisbet cried and Ned laughed, spurring his horse forward
"I think not!" He shouted back, overtaking his sister. The two children raced over the drawbridge, looking up as they past to see their parent's banners and they felt safe. They were home at last, truly home.

The King and Queen were quick to join them, along with Edmund, Dickon and the procession of wagons that were following in their wake.

"My, that was quite a show!" Marian complimented as she slowed her steed, smiling at Ned and Lisbet.
"Thank you, mama!" They replied
"I won!" The girl cried, grinning at her little brother "I can't wait to tell Maggie and Teddy!"
"And now I shall win the next race" Ned remarked
"And what race is that?"
"The first to the kitchen, I am determined to have the first Middleham apple pie!" Ned leapt down from his horse, ran inside with his sister and two brothers on his heels.

Marian was also about to dismount but Richard grabbed her reins, pulling her back to his side.

"What are you doing?" She asked and he gave her a playful smile in response.
"Well, I was thinking that we might have a race of our own? The servants shall get the children settled, while we, spend some time together?" Marian quickly caught his meaning, smirked back and nodded.

"Race you to the pond?" She asked but Richard didn't reply in words, instead turned his horse round and kicked it into a gallop, flying through the gatehouse as Marian gasped "Richard!" She shouted, grinning "that wasn't fair!" She quickly nudged her horse into an even faster gallop and chased after her husband, braid and cape flying behind her, both adults laughing merrily at their youthful exploits.

By the time they had reached their destination, both knew that there would be no holding them back from each other for they had spent too long, on that fine morning, eyeing one another with an instance desire and now it seemed was the perfect (and perhaps only) time to see that their needs were satisfied.

Marian went and stood by the edge of the pond, the grass littered with brown and orange leaves, was quickly joined by Richard who slipped his arms around her waist from behind and began to ardently kiss her neck, sending sharp chills down her spine.

She leant back against him, allowing his hands to travel from her hips, over the firm swell of her breasts, to the golden clasp that held her cloak in place. He undid the clasp and gently removed the garment from her shoulders, letting it slide down her body to the floor before she turned and began to kiss him passionately, wrapping her arms around his neck as he picked her up and, after taking a few paces, pressed her against the hard bark of a tree trunk.

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