What is true, what is not?

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April 1470

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April 1470...

"I think that's everything Marian!" Meg said happily as she seeped back to admire the trunk of dresses which she had neatly folded
"Thank you, Meg. I don't know what I would have done without you!" Marian said with a smile.

She was to depart for Warwick castle later that morning with Meg and they had been double checking that everything had been packed. Going to Warwick castle had been a ludicrous idea of Elizabeth's sometime in March saying that
"It would be a good opportunity to get close to the Neville girls and learn of Warwick's plan"
The only thing was, Marian didn't need to get close to the Neville girls. Since Christmas she had formed friendships with both of the girls, they found they had things in common and Marian actually grew to like Isabel and Anne quite a lot.

However, Marian didn't want to be near Lord Warwick and even less near George and so originally opposed the idea. But she eventually agreed because for once Warwick and the Duke of Clarence appeared to be playing by the rules, there was no evidence of even the idea that they were plotting against the king and so she agreed to the trip.
'What's the worst that can happen?' She had thought optimistically.

Oh, if only she knew...

Pulling her cloak around her shoulders Marian headed out of the room and walked in the direction of the court yard, Meg a few steps behind
"Come along, Percy" Marian called over her shoulder. A rather large, young, grey wolfhound quickly bounded out of the bedroom and trotted at Marians side "good boy" she said reaching down to pat him gently on the head.
"He has certainly grown in the past few months, hasn't he?"
"Indeed he has, Meg but according to Richard he is supposed to get even larger than this!"
Meg laughed
"Oh lord, what are we going to do once he gets to his full size?"
"I do not have a clue" Marian replied, also laughing.

The two (along with Percy) made their way out into the courtyard where a cartridge was waiting. Elizabeth stood beside the carriage door, a small leather pouch in her hand.
"Take care, my dear" the Queen said, embracing Marian and then pressed the small bag into her hand "take care of this" Marian nodded, still not knowing what it was and stepped into the carriage, followed by her two companions.

As the carriage began to move away, Marian looked out of the window to see Richard waving at her from the balcony. She chuckled and waved back before the carriage rolled out of the palace and towards Warwick castle.

Meg and Marian chatted most of the way. God Marian had missed her friend during the rebellion!
"So then I told him that I would rather drown at the bottom of the sea!" Meg proclaimed as she finished one of her many stories. Marian simply sat I her seat, unable to reply she was laughing so much.
"And that really happened?!" She asked
"Of course! Well...I may have embellished a few bits but that's fine!"
This confession made Marian roar with laughter once again, she was sure the driver of the carriage could hear her she was that loud - but she didn't care.

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