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"And that, ma chérie, is exactly how you do it!" The Queen exclaimed happily as she showed Lisbet how to stitch the last threads on her latest embroidery "bravo, my dear! It is a masterpiece! You are proving to be excellent at your work!"

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"And that, ma chérie, is exactly how you do it!" The Queen exclaimed happily as she showed Lisbet how to stitch the last threads on her latest embroidery "bravo, my dear! It is a masterpiece! You are proving to be excellent at your work!"

She heard a little huff behind her and turned to see Meg impatiently unpicking the stitches that she had just sewn into the linen cloth she held. The image she had been trying in vain for hours to create was Queen Guinevere, golden crown upon her head, but had been unsuccessful.
"What is wrong, Meg?" Marian asked
"It's not right!" The 6 year old complained, unpicking another stitch and at last tossing the linen aside with an irritated sigh.

Marian retrieved the discarded material and spread it out on the table.
"Why, I think it's very beautiful"
The girl shook her head
"No, mama, not it's not...I just can't get the flowers right!"
"Yes! I wanted to show Queen Guinevere holding red roses since...since she reminds me of you"
Marian smiled, embracing Meg

"And papa reminds you of King Arthur?" Lisbet mocked and Meg nodded enthusiastically, not noticing the slight scorn in her sister's voice.
"Ahh, how thoughtful of you darling. I'm sure I can help with the roses if you would like?" Marian suggested
"Really?" Meg asked, her eyes turning hopeful
"Of course!"

"Mama! Mama!" Lisbet cried and the Queen turned to her eldest daughter who had rushed to the window at the sound of hooves entering the courtyard.

"What is it, ma chère?"
"Papa is home!" In an instant Marian was by the window, looking down at the horses that had entered the castle perimeter but Richard had already dismounted; was not in sight. It didn't take long for him to be located as before anyone could say another word the door banged open and Richard stormed in the most angry state that Marian (or anyone else for that matter) had ever seen him.

"It is Buckingham!" He roared, holding up a crumpled letter in front of him. "My own true friend who is behind the rebellion of Margaret Stanley's! I've intercepted her letters!" Both Lisbet and Meg shrank back as the King advanced into the room, clutching at each other's hands, and even Marian found herself wanting to step away as he came forward.

"R-richard" she stammered gesturing to the little girls but there seemed to be no soothing his anger and as he glared at them they ran from the room.

"A man with the best cause to be true. I have given him everything he's ever asked for! And never was a traitor better treated!" Richard slammed his fists on the table and Marian flinched

"What in earth do you mean, Richard? Harry left two days ago on a visit to his cousin, remember? Why do you speak of him in this way?"
"Did you not hear me, Marian?! Henry Stafford, the Duke of Buckingham, our most trusted friend and ally has betrayed us! Has gone over to the side of Margaret Stanley, Elizabeth and the Tudor!"

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